This Mom's Hilarious Photo Proves Back-to-School Season Should Absolutely Be Celebrated

Getting your kids prepped to go back to school is no easy feat. You need to buy the school supplies, pack the lunches, and make sure they're prepared for the new year ahead. So once you finally get them out the door on their very first day, shouldn't you celebrate?

Shawna Genua, a photographer from Florida, certainly seems to think so. In a now-viral photo that's making its rounds on Facebook, Shawna and her friends are clearly living it up with donuts, fruit punch, and a little alcohol to boot. She captioned the picture: "First day of school!!!! Whaaaaaaaat!!!! Some of you are sad. This is me and my girls. We will be juuuuuuust fine." And I'm just wondering . . . how do I get invited next time?

Robyn Pedretti Kelly, one of the women pictured in the photo, said that it was a last-minute decision to honor the beginning of a new academic year. "We wanted to do a different take on the whole 'I'm sad my kids are going back to school' vibe," she said. "We wanted people to know that parents need a break sometimes. Just like when our kids are upset and stressed, we tell them to take a breath. Take a break. We did the same. Our neighbor Shawna sent a group text out on Sunday night before school started and said, 'Bring your pajamas and some props! Let's take a fun photo!' So we did exactly that!"

As soon as the photo was shared on social media, it instantly went viral. The group of women has received loads of praise, though there were a few negative commenters who chimed in — but the women weren't having any of the negativity amid their celebration. "We love our kids more than life itself, but we also love ourselves and need to take care of US, as much as we take care of our kids," explained Robyn. "Taking care of US makes us better parents to THEM."

And let's be clear: with 18 kids between the four of them, these moms definitely do need a break!