8 Pieces of Parenting Advice From Danny Tanner That Would Never Work in Your House

One of the reasons Full House is such a beloved series is because it showcases a heartwarming family filled with lots of love for each other. Every season is overflowing with idealistic advice and big hugs between family members. While each episode leaves you smiling, the same things that work in the Tanner home would quite possibly lead to some tears in your own household. Sure, your family is also filled with laughter and love, but the same pieces of parenting advice that Danny Tanner lives by probably wouldn't go over so well with real families. Not every parenting struggle includes a cute catchphrase and an attractive uncle to save the day, so check out what some Tanner family values would look like with out them.

There's no problem a family hug can't solve.

There's no problem a family hug can't solve.

Sure, hugs are great — unless your kids are at the point of wanting to rip each other's hair out! Then it's probably best for them not to be within hugging distance for awhile.

Sharing a room is the best way to bring siblings closer together.

Sharing a room is the best way to bring siblings closer together.

Despite the squabbles, Stephanie and DJ always work things out by the end of an episode and are brought even closer from their experience. Now if only kiddos' fights only lasted under 30 minutes!

There's always time for an epic dance party.

There's always time for an epic dance party.

Luckily for Danny, the Tanner kids were never too cool to break out in a major dance session with their family. But for many kids in the real world, the thought of their parents randomly busting a move (let alone in front of their friends!) leads to nothing but eye rolls and cringes.

All you need to do is look on the bright side.

All you need to do is look on the bright side.

When there's an easy lesson to be learned and a guaranteed bright side to every situation, it's much easier to cheer up little people and replace tears with smiles in a matter of minutes.

There's no room for a mess in the home.

There's no room for a mess in the home.

Unfortunately, when kids are involved, things are bound to get messy. Parents struggle with having enough time to keep things moderately organized and have yet to come up with a way to make cleaning a fun family affair.

If you make it, they will come.

If you make it, they will come.

Just because you had good intentions for a happy family dinner and even spent precious time and energy preparing, it doesn't mean everyone will excitedly gather around the table. Sure, it would be wonderful if little mouths eagerly tasted each meal you made, but having tears at the dinner table is much more common than the Tanner household would have you believe.

When you have a problem, just sit down and talk about it.

When you have a problem, just sit down and talk about it.

According to the Tanners, children are always willing to sit down and chat about their feelings whenever there's even the slightest problem. If every child was as calm, polite, in touch with their feelings, and articulate as the Tanner bunch‚ there would be a lot less door slamming!

Children will always be excited about spending a night in with their folks.

Children will always be excited about spending a night in with their folks.

For some reason, kids just don't always think their parents are nearly as cool as the Tanner girls think Danny is. To many kids, an evening at home with their parents can't compare to fun adventures with a classmate or babysitter.