20 Real Struggles of Being a Millennial Mom

Thanks to technology taking over millennial moms' lives, there's now less of divide between home life and work life than ever before. While many of these mamas, who were born between 1980 and the early 2000s, work to try and strike that coveted balance, they're encountering parenting problems that their own moms and dads never experienced. Even for those moms and dads who don't have a traditional 9-to-5 job, social media, 24/7 WiFi, and our growing dependence on our phones — as well as all of the other joys that come along with parenting in 2016 — are creating challenges that only this generation can relate to. Check out the 20 struggles that all millennial moms have definitely been through.


You’re always available and online, even when you feel like you shouldn’t be.


The cost of child care might rival your prebaby salary.


You feel new pressure to compare yourself as a parent to everyone in the (online) world.


It can be hard to tell what’s filters and staging and what’s from other moms just having a perfect life.


It feels like the postbaby body shaming begins before you’ve even given birth.


The pressure is on for your little one to look good — even when you’re not leaving the house.


Trying to walk the line between sharing updates online and not having your friends resent you for blowing up their news feeds.


News travels fast.


If it didn’t make it to Instagram, did it ever really happen?


It feels like your family meals never stack up to anyone else’s.


Kids shows on Netflix are both a blessing and a curse.


You have access to every other child’s milestones (and the knowledge of how your kid compares) all from the comfort of your bed.


Feeling FOMO no matter what — whether you're home with your child or busy at work.


Your kiddos can “accidentally” download a paycheck’s worth of apps with one innocent click on your phone.


You feel more pressure to do it all — perfectly — than ever before.


It feels like everyone is a professional photographer but you.


You could just stare at your child from an app all day if you wanted to — but work might not appreciate that use of time . . .


Technology runs your life and trying to unplug can feel nearly impossible.