20 Reasons Being a Parent During the Holidays Is the Freakin' Best

Everett Collection

Yes, the holidays can be pretty hectic. Between epic meal planning, last-minute gift buying, navigating crowded shopping malls, reuniting with family, and battling the increasingly cold weather, the holidays don't let up. But if you have kids, the small joys of the season come back into your life and can put things into perspective. In addition to seeing them light up with excitement and wonder over everything, you also get to act like a kid again by doing things like sledding, decorating cookies, and tracking Santa's whereabouts. Keep reading for 20 reasons kids make this time of year the absolute best, even if you need an extra glass of eggnog at the end of the night.


Watching Them Open Gifts Brings You Unexplainable Joy

Sure, it can be a little chaotic — and you might even go overboard sometimes — but watching them open the toy they've been dreaming of all year is pretty magical.


Grandparents = You Finally Get a Break

For most parties and family functions, our kids are glued to our hips. But during the holidays, grandparents get a turn and we get a break. It also doesn't hurt that seeing your kids bond with their grandparents makes your heart melt faster than a snowman in April.


You Get to Bake Holiday Cookies

Put on that holiday music, roll up your sleeves, and get out the festive cookie decorations, because baking with your kids is truly wonderful during the holidays. Even if they destroy a fresh batch of cookies in seconds like only toddlers can, you'll probably laugh it off and realize you just made a memory that you'll both remember forever.


You Get to Eat All the Cookies, Too

The cookies that broke during your baking sessions? Eat them with your kids. The ones that burnt a little? Eat them. The ones that turned out perfectly fine and beautiful? Eat them.


You Can Carry On Family Traditions and Make New Ones

All of the things you loved doing as a kid are front and center during the holidays. Getting to relive those memories, while making new ones with your own family, is so special.


There Are Those Cute (and Sometimes Hilarious) Family Photos

Whether they're screaming on Santa's lap or giggling because you made everyone wear matching sweaters, that card is still going to be the best thing in the world and something you'll all look back on for years to come.


They Hilariously Mess Up Carols

"Deck the halls with . . . wait, what did you just say?! Who taught you that?!" Just go with it (and try not to laugh).


Holiday Pajamas Are Impossibly Cute and Cozy

Is there anything cuter than a little kid in candy cane pajamas? I don't think so. Bonus points if they're matching for the whole family and you get a shot of everyone wearing them on Christmas morning.


You Can Get Out of Awkward Holiday Parties

Want to avoid or dip out early from your partner's holiday party? Your own office party? The kids aren't "feeling well." Oh no!


You Get to Watch Every Sweet, Cheesy, and Nostalgic Holiday Movie

While there's no shame in watching all those Hallmark movies you recorded once the kids are in bed, it's also so much fun to introduce them to your favorite holiday films from when you were a kid. There's nothing like watching them experience something you loved at that age for the first time.


You Get to Watch Them in School Holiday Concerts

They'll probably be dressed as some sort of holiday or Winter thing, and watching them sing and dance will bring you so much joy and laughter (just don't let them see you giggle).


You Get to Relive All Those Childhood Joys

Remember running to open presents as fast as you can? Watching the first snowfall while listening to carols? Sledding down the stairs with a pillow or blanket? It's even better now as a parent.


You Get to Play With Toys

Sure, the toys are technically for them, but they're pretty fun for adults, too. Who doesn't love the smell of a brand-new toy?


You Secretly Love That Elf on the Shelf

Of course, having to do Elf on the Shelf every day for a month isn't easy, but there are worse things than seeing your children wake up and run around the house to see what kind of magic their elf got up to during the night.


You Get Some Help Decorating the Tree, Even If They Can't Reach

Most of their ornaments are on the bottom branches, but they've helped! And it probably will turn into a fun tradition to do together.


Other Relatives Help Buy Gifts For Them

Your children desperately need socks, but you're not going to be the one to buy them for them. Thanks to Auntie Linda, you don't have to be the sock giver. Score!


Chances Are You're Going to Get Something Homemade

It may be homemade and still smell like glue, but it's the greatest gift in the whole world because they made it for you.


Snuggling With Them Is Magical

Close your eyes and picture this: snow is falling, your favorite movie is on TV, there's a fresh cup of coco on the table, and your child is snuggled up under your arm. Yeah, pretty great.


Because Even in Absolute Chaos . . .

No matter how much you plan, kids and holidays are going to be stressful. It's the way of the world.


This Is the Time of Your Life

You'll look back on these years, and these holiday seasons, and be so grateful you've got your little ones to share the memories with.

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