From the Crier to the Passed Out One, These Are the 22 Kids You Always See at Disney Parks

Disney World. It's billed as the happiest place on Earth, and for many children that's true, but smiling faces aren't the only kind you'll see during a day at a Disney park. Sure, Mickey, Minnie, and friends are magical, but they often come with a side of long lines, inclement weather, too little sleep, and too much activity. And hey, let's throw in about 10 miles per day of walking, which can make even the goofiest kid get a case of the Grumpys — especially if mom and dad haven't come super prepared. From overwhelmed children who don't know where to look next to one-track minded kids who are on a mission to find princesses, souvenirs, or a great adventure, these are the 22 types of little ones you'll see while visiting the land of Mickey.


The Super Excited Kid

They're at Disney World! They're at Disney World! They're at Disney World! They can hardly contain the joy they feel that this wonderful day has finally come, and they're in full celebration mode. Cue the dancing, jumping, and squealing.


The Adventure Seeker

This kid isn't here for Dumbo or the Hall of Presidents. No, they're looking for thrills, so you'll find them rushing to Space Mountain, Tower of Terror, and more — and looking super irritated when their parents force them to ride It's a Small World for their little sibling's sake.


The Shy Kid

They thought they really wanted to meet Mickey and Donald, but when they're in front of them, they freeze. We totally get that it's hard to act cool when you encounter your favorite characters in real life.


The Anxious-I-Won't-Get-It-All-In Kid

This child knows everything that Disney has to offer, and they're extremely concerned that they might not have time to experience it all. In other words, get moving, parents.


The Passed Out Kid

As exciting as Disney is and as hard as they've fought to stay up for the fireworks, biology has taken over and this kid is passed out . . . hard. There's only so many hours of fun that a little body can take, and this one has reached their limit.


The Princess Seeker

This kid has one goal and one goal only: meet and greet as many Disney princesses as possible. If your name isn't Elsa, Anna, Ariel, Belle, Cinderella, Moana, or Tiana, please get out of their way.


The Sick of Lines Kid

A family can only get so many FastPasses, and then it's to the back of the line with the rest of the masses — and that's where this kid has been for way too long. Their parents are trying to entertain them with snacks and the Play Disney app, but this little one is about to lose it.


The Kid Whose Parents Didn't Check the Weather

It's Florida, and Florida is always sunny and warm, right? Um, wrong, and this kid and their parents are finding out the hard way, shivering until they finally give in and buy those $50 sweatshirts at the closest gift shop.


The Uneasy Rider

This kid really thought they were ready for Space Mountain or Tower of Terror, but now that they're on it, they're terrified. You'll recognize them by the look of pure horror on their face. Think your child might be this kid? Then you might want to avoid these rides, too.


The Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutiquer

They have arrived at Disney with one mission, and that is to get glammed up at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. You'll recognize them by their glitter-filled hair, the slightly disconcerting amount of makeup on their face, and of course, their princess gown.


The Believer

They haven't yet made the connection that Woody, Mr. Incredible, and Pluto aren't exactly real, so when they find themselves face-to-face with these personal idols, they're not shy about letting them know how big of a fan they really are. This stage won't last long, so you hope their parents are getting it on video.


The Set-Loose Teenager

When their parents told them their family vacation was going to Disney World, they pretended they were too old to enjoy the magic. Once they told them they could explore for awhile on their own, however, they were totally on board. They're choosing to ignore the fact that their parents also put a tracker on their phone.


The Crier

You're not sure what happened — maybe they lost their $20 Mickey ear balloon, maybe their parents refused to get them the deluxe Ariel princess dress, maybe they realized they're not tall enough to ride Splash Mountain — but whatever it is, this kid is reacting with some full-force water works. All you can do is give their parents a sympathetic nod.


The Mad Snacker

Dole Whip, churros, Nutella-stuffed waffles, donuts, popcorn, ice cream . . . Disney is this kid's dining mecca, and they've currently hit the culinary jackpot. Don't judge: tackling Disney takes a lot of energy, and this kid needs to refuel.


The Souvenir Seeker

There's not a gift shop this kid doesn't want to visit, then exit carrying a new treasure or two.

Pro tip: give each child a Disney gift card with a set amount to spend, then tell them to use it wisely because when it's gone, so is their shopping ability.


The Slightly Too Young Kid

Their parents had great intentions, but this kid is just too little to really understand what's going on around them. You'll recognize them by the blank look on their face, despite their parents' constant appeals to "look at that" and hype them up about the many wonders surrounding them. Forgive them; they just want to convince themselves they've gotten their money's worth.


The Been There, Done That Kid

This older kid has been to Disney too many times to count and is quick to make this fact known, mostly by rolling their eyes at all the wide-eyed, wonder-filled little ones around them. Disney is OK, they guess, but they're no longer impressed. That is, until the fireworks show. That one gets us all.


The Angry Kid

They've hit their Disney limit. The crowds, the lines, the heat . . . they just can't take it anymore. For their sake, you hope their parents take them back to their hotel for a break, once they stop screaming at them, that is.


The Parent Dragger

This little one is on a mission, and they don't care that their parents aren't quite on board with their plans. While they gently try to explain that it doesn't make much sense to wait in a three-hour line to see Moana, this kid is not having any of it.


The Sleep-Deprived Child

They've been more excited for their visit to Disney World than they were for the last three Christmases combined, so they could barely sleep a wink the night before they entered the gates. You'll recognize them by the massive amount of effort they're putting in to keeping their eyes open.


The FastPass-Holding Kid

This kid has a magic ticket to bypass the lines at their favorite rides, and darn it if they aren't excited about it. Forgive their smirk directed at the people in the regular line. They just can't hide their glee at not being with them (temporarily, at least).


The Overwhelmed Kid

It's been a long day — a great day, but a long one — and this kid is this close to reaching maximum stimulation capacity. They're trying to keep it together so they don't miss a single thing, but it's highly likely that they'll become the "crier," the "angry kid," or the "passed-out kid" very soon.

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