This Mom Had the Most Extra Toy Story Party and Photo Shoot For Her Son’s 2-Month Birthday

Jade Seba, a mom from Brazil, couldn't wait until her son's first birthday to throw him an epic party, so she celebrated his turning 2 months old in serious style — Toy Story style! The colorful party was packed with incredible details such as an epic three-layer cake, Woody cupcakes, and other themed snacks, but the real star of the party was 2-month-old Zion himself, who was dressed as both Buzz Lightyear and Woody for an adorable photo shoot. He's laying in a Sunnyside box in one of them, for goodness sake!

Keep reading to see the sweet photos of Zion and for a video of the party's amazing dessert table.

Zion Dressed as Woody in a Sunnyside Box
Jade Seba

Zion Dressed as Woody in a Sunnyside Box

Zion With His Cake and Dressed as Buzz
Jade Seba

Zion With His Cake and Dressed as Buzz

Zion With His Parents and Mr. Potato Head
Jade Seba

Zion With His Parents and Mr. Potato Head

Zion Dressed as Woody
Jade Seba
Baby Zion

Zion Dressed as Woody

Zion, Jessie, and Bullseye in the Sunnyside Box
Jade Seba
Baby Zion

Zion, Jessie, and Bullseye in the Sunnyside Box

Zion Tucked in With His Toys
Jade Seba
Baby Zion

Zion Tucked in With His Toys

Video of Zion's Toy Story Dessert Table