Parents Are Sharing Hilarious Videos of Their Kids Talking as Animoji, and Oh My Gosh

You may not want your kids to have too much screen time, but sometimes handing over your phone to a curious little one results in unending hilarity. Case in point: Twitter is currently rife with videos of kids saying funny things as Animoji (the iOS app that allows you to create your own talking, animated emoji using motion-capture technology). Because let's face it: the only thing cuter than a 2-year-old's voice is a 2-year-old's voice coming out of a talking animal.

That's the idea behind a viral Twitter thread that started when Sophia Tripodi, who tweets under the handle @SooTrippy, shared an Animoji video of her 2-year-old niece using the "octopus" Animoji filter. It kicked off a thread with over 2,700 replies and counting, filled with entertained folks sharing clips of the kids in their lives using all the various Animoji animated filters to say all kinds of things. (And yes, you better believe there's a Baby Shark version!) Even Katy Perry got in on the action with a cat-filtered clip of her sweet niece. Keep reading for more than 30 videos that will definitely put a smile on your face!

The original octopus Animoji that started it all.

Even Katy Perry couldn't resist getting in on the fun.