Calming Corners Put an Effective, Positive Spin on Timeouts — Here's How to Make One

Although timeouts are the old-school way to help kids who are still learning to process their emotions take a needed break, they're far from perfect. Of course, there are various alternatives to timeouts — such as redirecting behavior or taking a moment to meditate — but a recent trend called "calming corners" might be the most pragmatic solution we've seen yet.

In essence, a calming corner — or a calm-down corner— is a dedicated space meant for young children to wind down and process their emotions, whether they're angry, upset, or overstimulated. Designed to help kids regain control over their feelings, these safe spaces can come in many forms and generally contain comforting or soothing materials.

Ideal for the home or classroom, a calming corner features a soft place to sit or meditate, various books, posters with breathing exercises, and toys that don't make noise. While a calming corner can be tailored to fit your children's ages and needs, the space should be relatively private.

Ahead, find some examples of calming corners parents have created for their little ones at home that strive to promote children's mindfulness and emotional well-being. And if you're looking for helpful ways to help kids feel zen, check out this comprehensive list of ways to help kids calm down.