Mom-to-Be's Concern That She'll Miscarry Again Is Unfortunately All Too Relatable For Many

Most women feel excitement when they find out they're pregnant, but for one expecting woman, she feels her excitement was "robbed" by the miscarriage she preciously suffered. In an honest post to Instagram, Sasha Exeter, blogger at So Sasha, describes the mixed feelings she's been having since finding out she was pregnant again three months ago.

"Filled with all kinds of emotion posting our little one's very first photo and no doubt the most important image I've ever posted on Instagram," she wrote. "I've looked at this photo about a million times with the same excitement as I did when I first saw the baby jumping around on the ultrasound screen. To think there is a teeny tiny life growing inside me that WE created is just crazy — and kinda sci-fi!"

However, because of her past miscarriage, her fears almost immediately began to creep in following the happy news. Unfortunately, Sasha's anxiety is a relatable feeling for so many other women who have experienced similar losses, but her willing to be open about it all is refreshing and can hopefully allow others to feel as though they aren't alone in feeling anything but delirious excitement over their rainbow baby pregnancy.

"After suffering a miscarriage, I kid you not, the happiness of this pregnancy was replaced with so much anxiety and fear in the first three months it's UNBELIEVABLE. Absolutely terrified history would repeat itself . . . robbing us a bit of the excitement a couple should experience when they are expecting. BUT, with the first trimester scaries finally behind us (wish I could say the same for nausea), we're so excited about our little bean and all that's to come."