The World's First Autism-Certified Theme Park Means That EVERYONE Can Get to Sesame Street

Sesame Street's family-friendly theme park in Pennsylvania, Sesame Place, has officially become the first in the world to receive autism certification. The park announced in a Facebook post that it will be a certified autism center, training team members in sensory awareness, social skills, communication, autism overview, emotional awareness, and much more. All of these specialized trainings and services come from Sesame Place's partnership with The International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES).

According to its website, Sesame Place will also offer guests quiet rooms for "time and relief from sensory stimulation" as well as low-sensory areas, including low-sensory parade viewing. This way, guests can enjoy the parade experience without physical interaction from characters. Guests can also take advantage of the noise-canceling headphones Sesame Place offers in case of hearing sensitivity.

This wonderful news was announced on April 2, which was Autism Awareness Day, and almost a year after the television show welcomed its first Muppet with autism, Julia. Sesame Street's wonderful steps forward emphasize inclusion for all, and we're excited to see how these changes positively benefit families.