"I'm Sickened, I'm Disgusted": Sophie Turner Demands Paparazzi Stop Photographing Her Baby

In a series of since-deleted Instagram Stories, new mom Sophie Turner called out paparazzi for snapping and selling photos of her 9-month-old daughter, Willa, without her permission. "Yesterday some paparazzi managed to get a picture of my daughter and I, and I just want to say that the reason that I am not posting pictures of my daughter and making sure that we can avoid paparazzi at all costs is because I explicitly do not want those photos out there," Sophie said after finding out that a photo of her daughter had been sold and published.

Given that Willa is not old enough to give her consent to have her photos shared with the world, Sophie and her husband, Joe Jonas, have made an active effort to keep pictures of their daughter off social media and out of the public eye. "She is my daughter," Sophie added. "She did not ask for this life, to be photographed. It's f*cking creepy that grown old men [are] taking pictures of a baby without their permission."

To be clear, Sophie explicitly told photographers that they do not have her permission to take photos of Willa. "I'm sickened, I'm disgusted, and I'm respectfully asking everyone to stop following us around and stop trying to take pictures of our daughter and especially printing them," Sophie said. Invasions of privacy are never OK, so here's to hoping the paparazzi honor Sophie's wishes and give her family the respect they deserve.