The Internet Is Cheering For 1 Woman Who Offered to Be a "Stand-in" Mom For LGBTQ+ Weddings

Sara Cunningham, a mom from Oklahoma, made a recent heartwarming announcement that will bring a smile to your face: she offered to be a stand-in mom at same-sex weddings for people whose parents didn't support their marriage. In a now-viral Facebook post, Sara explained that all you need to do if you're in that situation is give her a call, and she'll be there.

"PSA," she wrote. "If you need a mom to attend your same-sex wedding because your biological mom won't, call me. I'm there. I'll be your biggest fan. I'll even bring the bubbles."

So far, the short post has garnered a boatload of attention, amassing over 8,000 shares and more than 8,000 reactions since it was published on the morning of July 20.

Sara told CBS News that she wasn't always as understanding of the LGBTQ+ community. It wasn't until her son Parker came out at 21 years old and she attended a pride parade that she "realized this was a beautiful community."

"I'm a woman of faith . . . We live in a conservative town," she explained. "It sounds bad to say it, but I felt like I had to choose between my child and faith. I was under this impression it was the ultimate offense . . . I didn't know where to look for resources at first. I thought I was the only mom in Oklahoma with a gay kid."

Sara decided to educate herself more on LGBTQ+ topics by joining a Facebook group for moms with gay children, and it completely changed her perspective. Since then, Sara has attended numerous pride parades, started her own Facebook group, Free Mom Hugs, and has even written a book about her experience called How We Sleep at Night: A Mother's Memoir.

Unsurprisingly, Sara has had a lot of inquiries about her offer to stand in as a mom at weddings. "There [are] so many — I don't mean to sound boastful — but I haven't even been able to address my private messages yet," she said. "There [are] 130 in my inbox."

Sara has also officiated 12 same-sex weddings and has plans to be a part of more ceremonies in the future.