These Real-Life Takes on Iconic Fashion Ads Are Incredibly Refreshing

When you're flipping through glossy magazine pages filled with "perfect" models, it's difficult not to compare yourself to those flawless bodies and faces and very easy to forget that current standards of beauty aren't representative of the majority of the population. BuzzFeed Video highlighted this lack of diversity in the media with five "regular" people who re-created iconic fashion ads just as they are.

They selected five ads from Calvin Klein, Abercrombie & Fitch, Guess, Chanel, and Victoria's Secret, respectively, all of which featured airbrushed, primarily white models, and called on five everyday people (including a man who's transgender) to shoot their own versions. And the results are inspiring.

Kelsey, one of the female participants who re-created the Victoria's Secret campaign, embraced her scars during the photo shoot and explained how the ads shouldn't influence our self-image. "Seeing our photo next to the Victoria's Secret ad was eye-opening," said Kelsey. "Models project an entire lifestyle in one ad. It's not always realistic and it shouldn't be a standard we set to reach ourselves."

After a graphic designer transformed the stills into high-fashion ads, the one-day models had mixed reactions. But let's face it, if everyone had a glam squad and Photoshop we'd all look like models, too.

The fashion world is increasingly diversifying, with Lane Bryant's #PlusIsEqual campaign and figures like Ashley Graham leading the runway with body positivity. Although these recent changes are a definitive step in the right direction, it's clear that we still have work to do.

Watch the video for yourself to see how it all went down, and then compare the images ahead.

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