This 30-Minute, 5,000-Step Indoor Walking Workout Burns Calories and Tones Your Arms

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This workout is all about multitasking! If you love indoor walking workouts, work your upper body at the same time with this 30-minute toned-arms walking workout that requires zero equipment. Created by upbeat and energetic certified personal trainer and kinesiologist Johanna Sophia (growwithjo on YouTube), you'll get 5,000 steps in to burn calories and lose weight, while also toning your shoulders, upper back, biceps, and triceps, no weights required.

Note that for this workout, you're not just walking in place! Sophia has you doing full-body moves so you'll be torching your arms and feeling it by the end. As Sophia wrote in the video caption, "If you cannot do any of the exercises, or are unable to keep you arms up, ITS OKAY! Just keep your feet moving!"

Love walking workouts? Try this 20-minute low-impact indoor walking workout.