78-Year-Old Heart-Transplant Survivor Does CrossFit 3 Times a Week

What do you think your fitness routine will be like when you're 78?

If your first thought was "what fitness routine?," then take a hot second to bask in some impressive inspiration from 78-year-old Bob in Palm Desert, CA, who proves that fitness doesn't have an age limit. No slowing down here!

CrossFit coach Cory Celia trains Bob at Desert CrossFit gym in Palm Desert and shared the above video on Instagram (which was regrammed by the main CrossFit account). The box hosts a senior class; Cory noted that her client Bob "is 78 and has a heart transplant" but does CrossFit three times a week.

Cory and Bob have a special bond: Bob loves the name Cory because he has a granddaughter of the same name. "I am inspired every time I see Bob," Cory said in her caption, "and so grateful to have coached the senior class today." We're grateful she caught it on camera so we could watch Bob lift some massive barbells!