This Woman's Weight Loss Story Is So Relatable

Instagram | training4tacos

If you haven't yet tuned into Kayla Itsines's BBG Community, it's probably time to follow! Not only are the transformations jaw-dropping, but the women's stories are unbelievably inspiring.

Related: These Total-Body Transformations From the BBG Workouts Will Have Your Jaw on the Floor

Today's spotlight is on Marisa from Orlando, FL, who is on week 19 of her fitness journey and turning her life around with BBG, boxing, indoor cycling, and living every day like an adventure. Why? Because she wants to feel good, of course . . . and she also REALLY loves tacos. We're right there with you, girl.

Meet Marisa

We discovered Marisa, as we do with most in the BBG Community, via Kayla Itsines's Instagram. Kayla highlights incredible transformations and journeys of the women who are using the BBG Guides and Sweat With Kayla app.

She Began Her Journey Not Long Ago

This was Marisa's "before the weight gain" photo. She said her goal was just to feel her best again — she doesn't know her exact weight in this photo, but she knew that she felt really good and happy with her body. With that in mind, she had a goal! "I don't have a goal weight, I have a goal feeling," she said on Instagram.

She also drew inspiration from the #BBGcommunity. Her motivator? Similarly named fit-stagrammer plankingforpizza.

Her Goals Were Clear . . .

Tacos and happiness.

With Her Goals Lined Up, She Began BBG

She showcases lots of videos of her BBG workouts and uses Instagram as a platform to hold herself accountable. It's a tried-and-true method: if you make your goals public, you're psychologically more likely to stick to them.

The Workouts Are KILLER, but They're Better With Friends

Speaking of Which . . .

Marisa found the BBG community in person, too! They have meetups in so many cities — she took advantage of the Orlando group.

Her Program Is Clearly Working!

Check Out Those Muscles!

Marisa Is Grabbing Life by the Tacos

And her joy is palpable, even on Instagram.

She Fell in Love With Other Workouts, Too

She loves indoor cycling, including SoulCycle and Flywheel.

And She Loves Boxing!

We agree — boxing makes you feel really strong. She's been going a lot!

She Even Boxes With Team BBG!

Fellow BBG girls from the area got together with her to join in the fun (and get another kickass workout!).

Marisa Also Changed Up Her Taco Routine

With the addition of healthy foods, she found out that she reeeeally loves acaí bowls!

And We Love Following Her Progress. This Check-In Was at Week 14!

We're so proud of you, Marisa! Keep it up!