Here's Your 5-Minute Washboard-Abs Workout From a Celeb Trainer

Astrid Swan
Astrid Swan

Get ready to sculpt your midsection, strengthen your core, and lean out your abs with just five bodyweight moves from celebrity trainer Astrid Swan of Barry's Bootcamp West Hollywood. "These five ab moves are perfect to do as is, or to add on any workout you are doing!" Astrid told POPSUGAR. "No equipment required means no excuses!"

"[If] you want a challenge, repeat all five moves for five rounds," she said. "Or if you are just starting your fitness game, get through one round the best you can. Form is always more important than the number of reps — work your way up!"

Hollow Rock Flutter Kick 

Hollow Rock Flutter Kick 

  • Extend your arms straight back behind you and legs extend out.
  • Lift up upper back and head while hovering legs off the floor, hollowing out your belly.
  • Make sure lower back does not arch up.
  • Flutter kick your feet for a count of 30.
Trace the 8 

Trace the 8 

  • With hands supporting your lower back, lift shoulders off the floor coming into a crunch and extend legs up to the ceiling.
  • "Draw" a figure 8 with both legs as you lower legs down, and retrace the number as you raise your legs back up; each leg is making one side of the 8.
  • This counts as one rep. Repeat 10 times.
Dolphin Plank Walks

Dolphin Plank Walks

  • Starting in a forearm plank, take small steps forward toward your elbows as you pike hips up.
  • With every step, pull your abdominals inward until you can no longer pike up.
  • Slowly walk your feet back, lowering hips down to your starting plank position.
  • This counts as one rep. Do 10-15 reps, depending on your strength level.

  • Bring knees up to tabletop position (90 degrees) and press palms of hands against thighs as hard as you can.
  • Press your spine down and pull your navel toward your spine.
  • Hold for a count of 20. Rest for five seconds, and repeat three more times.
  • Note: you have to push as hard as you can with your hands, while your thighs push back against them.
Scissor to Crunch Switch

Scissor to Crunch Switch

  • With your hands behind your head, scissor kick your legs — extend your right leg forward and left leg up.
  • Hold that position and do two ab crunches toward the top leg.
  • Switch legs, and do two crunches toward the opposite leg.
  • This counts as one rep. Repeat for 20 reps.