This Fat-Loss Coach Reveals the Best Easy Groceries For Weight Loss

Even if you know you need to eat healthier to lose weight, especially if you're trying to lose fat, it can seem overwhelming to navigate the grocery store. All the healthiest food seems to take hours and hours to meal prep, but packaged food is typically deemed not good for you.

Luckily, fat-loss coach Carter Good revealed some staple groceries that are easy to prepare and will keep you full, satisfied, and on track. He broke them down into the three macronutrients — protein, carbs, and fats — and then veggies. If you're not an experienced cook, or just short on time, these groceries might be right for you.

"Create a super-simple grocery list with foods that you enjoy, are easy to cook & prepare," Carter wrote in his caption. "I call these 'staple foods,' and the ones listed in this graphic are 9 of my all-time personal favs. It's all about saving time and simplifying the process. You could take any of these foods and in 5-10 minutes have a nutritious & filling fat loss meal."

So if you're not sure what to stock up on at the store, use these foods as a guideline. Then round it out with the best foods for weight loss to boost fat loss and hit your goals.