If You're Dreading Putting on a Bathing Suit, You Need to See These Comparison Photos

We're gonna get real here for a moment. We get it. Wearing a bathing suit in public for many women can cause a ton of anxiety if they feel self-conscious or embarrassed about how they look. Mallory King, a fitness trainer and registered dietitian who's lost 80 pounds, gets it too.

She posted these comparison photos as a sort of PSA. She said, "YOU ARE NOT ALONE IF YOU TRY ON SWIMSUITS EXPECTING TO LOOK BANGIN IN IT BECAUSE THE MODEL LOOKS BANGIN IN IT AND IN FACT YOU LOOK LIKE A FRUMPY LEPRECHAUN." Her words, not mine! She added, "And this is not to say I'm not bangin, I sure am, but some things that may look flattering on someone else's body doesn't feel so flattering on mine and THAT'S OKAY. DONT LET IT GET YA DOWN BOO. GO FIND YOU A SUIT THAT YOU FEEL LIKE THE GODDESS YOU ARE IN."

Yes to all of this! This is a great reminder to embrace your unique body and what it's been through, including all its curves, stretch marks (wherever they are), wrinkles, and dimply cellulite. Keep in mind that only about one percent of the population looks like a model (and even they are airbrushed!), and your body is uniquely yours, and that in itself makes you gorgeous.

It's OK if you don't feel confident strutting on the beach in a string bikini. Maybe a tankini is more your speed, or a cute pair of surfer shorts, or a swim skirt. There are a million different brands and styles, so bring your bestie along for a shopping outing so you'll have someone to giggle with, to give you an opinion you trust, and to keep your spirits positive, because this sh*t can be hard emotionally.

At the end of the day, remember that your soul is beautiful, you are kind, generous, and loving, and that's what matters most — not what you look like in a bathing suit. Enjoying yourself at the pool or beach is your decision. You can choose to pout in your lounge chair under a beach towel, or you can choose to be grateful that you're able to enjoy the sun, the water, and the company. What will you choose?