Runners, You Have to Do This Simple At-Home Exercise

The fire hydrant is a simple move that targets the glute med, helping to stabilize your legs — this is crucial for runners!


Remember to keep your core tight during this exercise, drawing your navel toward your spine to stabilize and intensify the move.

  • Start on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips.
  • Keep your right knee at a 90-degree angle as you slowly raise your leg to the right, until it is parallel to the ground. Avoid lifting your right hip, as you should keep both hips squared toward the floor.
  • With control, lower your leg back to the ground.
  • Continue for 30 seconds on the right side, then switch to the left leg for another 30 seconds. For an added challenge, wear a light resistance band around your ankles.