Your Glutes Are About to Get a Wake-Up Call With This Killer Bridge Variation

Let's get our rears in gear! This killer glute move targets the tush while you work on that stable, strong core, so you'll feel strong while working on your booty.


Here's how to do the glute march in bridge.

  • Begin on your back with feet about 12 inches from your bum and hands by your sides with palms up.
  • Press your heels into the ground and lift your pelvis up until your knees, pelvis, and shoulders form a straight line.
  • Hold your bridge while you lift your right knee toward your chest, until your hip is at 90 degrees.
  • Return the heel to the floor and lift the left knee. Do not let your pelvis sag or your back overarch while lifting and lowering your knees. This completes one rep.
  • Do two sets of six reps.