Jason Momoa's Workout Victory Dance Will Make You Want to Get Shirtless, Too

As Jason Momoa prepares for his role as Aquaman, he's been testing his superhero qualities in real life on the rock climbing wall. While any Momoa fan knows how passionate he is about rock climbing (and by passionate we mean screaming in beast mode), we've actually never seen him so invigorated as when he finally hit his goal. In his most recent rock climbing Instagram video, after "at least" 20 tries, he finally reached the tall rock on the inverted wall.

Not only was his move so impressive, but the way he reacted was nothing short of amazing. He jumped down, screamed, cursed, slammed a chair, and pretty much went crazy, but are we surprised? Nope, it's Momoa! And we'd be lying if we said we weren't speechless from his "lunch break" routine.

There's no feeling like finally accomplishing something tough in the gym, and anyone who's struggled to reach their fitness goals can totally relate to Momoa's reaction.