This Resistance Band Doubles as a Bracelet, and Now the Gym Goes Wherever You Go

Between standing desks and beeping hourly reminders on the Apple Watch, it's no secret that moving around and stretching are necessities in our daily routines. One of the main reasons injuries occur in fitness is because athletes aren't stretching properly and lack joint mobility, yet stretching is also the quintessential element of injury recovery. With such an obvious laundry list of benefits, why aren't people taking the time to stretch daily? Well, we're guessing the reasons sound something like not knowing the type of exercises to do, not having the proper equipment, and the most popular, prom queen of all excuses, not having the time.

In an effort to eradicate all possible excuses while simultaneously making stretching and strength training as accessible as possible, one New York-based company is bringing the gym right to your wrist. Meet the NDOband ($18) — short for No Days Off — a stylish and functional bracelet that doubles as a resistance band and the ultimate workout partner. Gone are the days of stagnant muscle soreness and neglecting the most important part of your workouts: the preparation and the recovery.


The NDOband was conceptualized as a result of the founders' "no days off" lifestyle. When Max Siegelman and Steve Clair, the "workout buddies turned cocreators," were training for the Brooklyn Marathon, they would wrap resistance bands around their wrists, bringing their postrun workouts with them on the go. But as any fitness fanatic can truly attest to, they wanted more colors and they wanted their bands to match their workout gear. And just like that, the NDOband was born.

Available in six different colors, the NDOband is made of military-grade latex rubber and provides 35 pounds of resistance, all while looking undeniably stylish. With an insatiable need to take our workouts to the next level, the NDOband brings the gym right to your wrist and makes strength training effortless. Shop the colorful bands online, and check out these beginner resistance band exercises to get your stretching started.
