Here's What You Need to Do When This Common Keto Flu Symptom Strikes

The Keto diet is safe to go on (for the most part) when done properly. But even those who follow expert guidelines to a T are still susceptible to the dreaded Keto flu. One of the most common symptoms to watch out for, however, can also be the most frightening. Many Keto newbies report feeling dizzy and lightheaded — some even to the point of fainting — when they first start out. But before you freak out, this side effect can easily be prevented with a few best practices.

According to Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNC, dizziness is a common side effect of Keto because an extremely low-carb diet greatly decreases your blood sugar levels. "Also, those symptoms can be the result of B-vitamin deficiencies, so increasing your B-vitamin intake while on a Keto diet can be a wise decision," he told POPSUGAR.

What to Do When Dizziness Strikes

Drink salt water or add electrolytes, like Nuun tablets, to your water. Salt brings nutrients and fluid into your cells, while potassium helps flush the sodium out.

How to Prevent Dizziness

The best ways to avoid feeling lightheaded, according to Dr. Axe, are to increase your water intake (at least half your body weight in ounces daily), add a little bit of sea salt to fluids and meals, and consume more vegetables and adaptogenic herbs.

"Drinking a blend of celery, cucumber, lemon, spinach, and other low-sugar vegetable juices can also be a terrific way to help this," he said.

You may want to opt for low-intensity workouts for the first few days on the diet, as well. Once your body adjusts and starts burning fat for fuel, you'll notice this side effect disappear. And to reduce your risk of the Keto flu all together, try increasing your fat intake three to seven days before fully diving into the diet, as Dr. Axe recommends his patients to do.