This Is Why Walking Isn't Helping You Lose Weight, According to a Trainer

Unsplash | bruno_nascimento

There's no denying that walking is a great form of exercise. Not only is it accessible pretty much anywhere you are, it's also easy on the joints and an activity all fitness levels can enjoy. However, if you're walking and noticing that your scale won't budge, there are a few tweaks you can make to turn walking into a fat-burning motion.

To get to the bottom of those possible reasons and how to fix them, we talked to personal trainer Chris Kelly, NASM, CPT, CF, LI. He verified that you absolutely can lose weight by walking, but you have to keep these things in mind to make the most of it.

You're Not Walking Brisk Enough
POPSUGAR Photography | Diggy Lloyd

You're Not Walking Brisk Enough

Putting your sneakers on is half the battle, but putting purpose behind your steps is what's going to make the difference. Not sure what that means exactly? The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity for a minimum of five days a week. "In order for exercise to be considered moderate-intensity, breathing should be heavy and holding a conversation should be difficult," Kelly explained. "One way you can track intensity is with Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE)." On that 1 to 10 scale, you should feel like you're within the 4 to 6 range, he said.

You're Not Walking Far Enough
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

You're Not Walking Far Enough

As the AHA says, 30 minutes should be the minimum time spent working out. If you don't have a half an hour to exercise all at once, try splitting that time up. You can still experience health benefits by dividing your workout time through the day (before work, your lunch break, etc.). But make that 30 minutes your starting mark, and work up from there.

You're Walking at the Same Pace the Whole Time
POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart

You're Walking at the Same Pace the Whole Time

You want to keep your body on its toes when it comes to what movements you're going to make next. Walking at the same pace can get your body into a routine and put results in a slump. "It has been proven that High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has shown to have health benefits and can contribute to weight loss," Kelly said. "In terms of walking, this can include walking at a brisker pace for a short distance, slowing down for a period of time to recover, then repeating for a desired distance." You can also try alternating the types of walks you take. One day, go for short, brisk walks, and the next, try longer, slower ones.

You're Walking the Same Route All the Time
POPSUGAR Photography | Ericka McConnell

You're Walking the Same Route All the Time

To go along with walking at the same pace, it's not the best to walk the same exact route every day. Your body gets used to it and doesn't get the chance to be challenged. To counter this, try switching up your route. Go for that hill-heavy route in your neighborhood one day, and stick with an even path the next. Kelly noted that this also keeps you engaged in your exercise so you don't get sick of working out.

You're Misjudging How Many Calories You're Actually Burning
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

You're Misjudging How Many Calories You're Actually Burning

Since walking isn't a high-intensity workout, you're not burning as many calories as you would with other exercises, such as running. How many calories you need to lose weight is unique to each individual, so be careful not to overeat just because you worked out. While you are burning calories by walking, it's easy to think the amount is greater than it is. "Creating a calorie deficit through nutrition and exercise will lead to weight loss," Kelly said.

You're Not Adding Body Weight Movements Into Your Walk
POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart

You're Not Adding Body Weight Movements Into Your Walk

A walk doesn't just have to be just a walk — you can get a little fancy! Try incorporating a few lunges or air squats every so often. If you're feeling extra pumped, Kelly suggests throwing in some burpees, planks, or push-ups. Not only does this add quality variation to work different muscles, but you certainly won't get bored on your walk!