"Hip Dips" Are the Latest Body-Positive Movement Taking Over Instagram

It's time to say goodbye to hot dog legs and the thighbrow, because this year, bikini season is all about embracing your "hip dips." Unlike warm-weather Instagram trends of the past, the latest movement to take over social media is about people of all shapes and sizes embracing their natural curves. Self explained that hip dips are the indentations where your hips and your thighs meet. They are also referred to as "violin hips," a nod to the way the instrument (and our bodies) curve out, then in, and then out again.

Hip dips are a natural part of the human body and Instagram users all over the world are posting photos to show just how inclusive this trend is. Over 1,600 posts have been shared on Instagram with the #hipdips hashtag, and the photos each share a different story. Many women have opened up about hip dip insecurities in the past, but this wave of body positivity has encouraged them to accept theirs.

"In recent years, proportionate hour-glass bodies have been glamorized in the media heavily . . . but I have realized that I will never have a perfect hour-glass shape because I have very prominent hip dips," Instagram user jenneydoll wrote in a post. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, but it is one of those things I don't absolutely love about my body. However, I accept it and I'm learning to love all my imperfections because that's what makes us human."

Read on to see the empowering photos of women embracing their hip dips.