Victoria's Secret Angel Adriana Lima Swears This Cardio Will "Tone Your Body"

Ask any Victoria's Secret Angel what her workout routine is, and you'll probably get some juicy fitness tidbits. With the brand's runway show just a month away, many of the models are hard at work training, including Adriana Lima. This year will be her 17th Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, but Adriana shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, when we met up with her at Dogpound in New York (a private gym the Angels frequent), she was ready to show off some fitness moves and talk about her workout routine.

Though she works closely with a trainer, Adriana gave one easy warmup exercise anyone can do: jumping rope. "I usually do double turns. You can do 10 or 20 seconds of double turns, then bring it down to regular jumps for 10 seconds. So if you do that about 10 times, it's a good workout to tone your body," she said.

It's Adriana's favorite form of cardio, and judging by her Instagram post below, it's true.

A post shared by Adriana Lima (@adrianalima) on

The model admitted that she doesn't always need to do an intense workout, and jumping rope is a "key part" of her exercise. "I usually jump rope as a warmup to my workouts and when I travel. I brought a jump rope to my last trip to China, and I also packed an eight-pound ankle weight," she said. If you're feeling inspired by Adriana's simple workout tip, here's a 10-minute jump-rope routine to get you started.