30 Minutes of Walking a Day Can Help You Lose Weight! Try These Indoor Walking Workouts

While high-impact, fast-paced workouts like running or cycling can help with weight loss, they're not essential! Walking as little as 30 minutes a day is an effective form of exercise to help you reach your goals. That's because it not only burns calories, but also it's so simple and easy to do anywhere. This means you're more likely to stick with it regularly, and consistency is the key!

NASM-certified personal trainer Courtney Meadows told POPSUGAR in a previous interview that in order to lose weight with walking, you want to make sure you're getting your heart rate up to 60 to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate (you can figure out your target heart rate here). You should aim for three to five workouts a week, and if you can't get outside to walk, try these indoor walking workouts — no treadmill needed!

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Fast 20-Minute Walking Workout

This walking workout from Level 3 certified personal trainer Rick Bhullar is a fast-paced, 20 minute-workout where you'll get in almost 3,000 steps. There's a step counter on the screen to let you see your progress.

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2,500 Step Power Walk Workout to Queen Hits

Join Australian certificate III and IV certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor Up to the BEat Fit for this 2,500 step power walk workout set to the Queen tunes like "Bohemian Rhapsody," "Another One Bites The Dust," and "We Are The Champions."

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30-Minute Indoor Walking Workout

ACE- and NASM-certified trainer Joanna Soh created this indoor walking workout to inspire you to get in 10,000 steps a day. She said in the caption that it takes an average of 100 minutes of slow walking or an average of 70 minutes of vigorous walking to hit 10,000 steps, so this 30-minute workout is a great start. It includes other aerobic moves such as side taps, skaters, and high knees to keep the workout exciting.

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30-Minute Fast Walking Workout

This 30-minute workout from NASM-certified personal trainer Ashley known as SaltsandRoses created this fast-paced, low-impact workout to get you moving. It includes a warmup and a cooldown, so the entire workout takes about 37 minutes.

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5,000 Step Walking Workout

If you have more time for a longer workout, this one from Bhullar is 36 minutes. It's 5,000 steps, which is about one mile.

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20-Minute Power Walking Workout to Madonna Songs

Join Gina B for this Madonna-inspired 20-minute power walking workout. You'll walk to classic songs like "Vogue," La Isla Bonita," and "Get Into the Groove."

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One-Mile Power Walk to The Beatles

Gina B is back with this Beatles-inspired, fast-paced walking workout that will have you racking up approximately 2,250 steps, which is one full mile in about 15 minutes. You'll move to songs like "Twist and Shout," and "Here Comes the Sun."