The 12 Different Kinds of People You’ll Meet at the Gym

Remember that scene in Mean Girls when Lindsay Lohan's character, Cady Heron, learns the ropes of North Shore High School by seeing the layout of the lunchroom? Well, the gym is kind of like that . . . but a lot sweatier.

Regular gym goers know that you can expect to see more tight, neon clothing than you would at a rave. But the people are really what makes the whole experience, well, interesting. Even though each gym commercial loves to say that its center is "unlike any other gym," let's face it: you can expect to find the same three things at every one — treadmills, free weights, and that strange dude who wears jeans to get his fitness on.

The Stereotypical Gym Bro

The Stereotypical Gym Bro

A gym wouldn’t be a gym without at least one guy with huge muscles wearing a cutoff shirt, who just had his pre-workout.

The Avid Texter

The Avid Texter

This person is probably texting on the machine that you’re waiting to use and can feel the burning sensation from your glares — and he doesn’t care.

The Girl With Caked-On Makeup

The Girl With Caked-On Makeup

“Wow, I love that girl’s mascara!!!” said no one at the gym ever.

The Fit Couple

The Fit Couple

This duo is straight-up #RelationshipGoals. The couple that sweats together, stays together?

The Mirror Selfie Advocate

The Mirror Selfie Advocate

You know how you see those gym-bragging posts on Facebook? Yeah, they were posted by this person.

The Person Who So Doesn’t Want to Be There
Universal Pictures

The Person Who So Doesn’t Want to Be There

There is no enthusiasm here, and it’s very, very obvious. (Hello! The gym is the happiest place on earth!)

The Dude Wearing Jeans

The Dude Wearing Jeans

There are so many questions here, but the main one is . . . why?

The Newby

The Newby

“Cool! What does this machine do?!?!?”

The Gross Person Who Doesn’t Wipe Down Their Machine

The Gross Person Who Doesn’t Wipe Down Their Machine

This person gives "The Avid Texter" a run for the most-hated-person-in-the-gym spot. Whatever you do, don't be that guy.

The Overenthusiastic Runner
Focus Features

The Overenthusiastic Runner

No one is this happy at the gym — especially if it’s a morning workout. Let’s take this down from a 10 to a seven.

The Weight Machine Hog

The Weight Machine Hog

It’s totally fine if someone is actually working out, but the hog is probably taking more time in between reps than actually doing them.

The Show-Off

The Show-Off

"The Show-Off" and "The Stereotypical Gym Bro" may be the same person, and if that’s the case, expect an ego the size of Michigan.