3 Flat-Ab Exercises From Shaun T — and All You Need Is a Chair

Here's a quick three-minute workout from Beachbody supertrainer Shaun T. It's just three moves! And all you need is a chair. The best thing: two of the moves are actually done sitting down. But don't be fooled — this sweet little workout will still get your abs burning.

Seated Knee Raise

Seated Knee Raise

  • Sit on the edge of a chair and bring your hands behind your head, opening your elbows as wide as you can; this will work your upper back to help improve your posture.
  • Lift your heels off the floor and feel your abs engage. Keeping your spine straight, lean back to lift your knees. Hold this position for a moment and feel the core connection increasing.
  • Lean forward and lower your knees with control, bringing toes to floor. Then lower heels. This completes one rep.
  • Do this exercise for one minute.

Shaun's note: Keep this movement slow and controlled.

Switch Kick Punch

Switch Kick Punch

  • Sitting with your spine straight and tall, kick your right leg forward, flexing through your heel while punching with your left arm. Pull your right elbow back to engage your back.
  • Then switch sides. Both legs will be in the air for a moment, which will make your abs work harder.
  • Every time you kick your legs, pull your abs deeper toward your spine.
  • Continue for a minute, doing 30 seconds fast followed by 30 seconds slow.

Shaun's note: You might feel a burn in your hip flexors, but they need to get strong with the abs.

Elbow to Knee Mountain Climber

Elbow to Knee Mountain Climber

  • Start in plank position with your hands on the chair and feet shoulder-width part. Bring your right knee to your left elbow. Squeeze the obliques as you twist. Place your right foot back into plank position.
  • Switch sides and bring the left knee to the right elbow, and allow your pelvis to rotate so you can work your obliques as you twist. Place the left foot back and down to complete one rep.
  • Continue alternating sides for one minute.

Shaun's note: Exhale on the work! Pull your abs to your spine as you bring your knee to the elbow.

Watch Shaun Demonstrate the moves.