Let the Power of These Crystals Ease Your Anxiety This Holiday Season

While anxiety is a medical issue that may require the attention of a doctor or other medical professional, the power of positive thinking can go a long way when easing the condition.

An old practice — like, ancient Egyptians old — healing crystals are making their way back into the mainstream as everyday life becomes more demanding and our attention is divided among a variety of different things.

Healing crystals may be used in mediation in the evenings, making you feel rested and mindful enough to sleep peacefully. They may also be used on certain energy points on your body. You can even carry them with you throughout the day for comfort. One thing is for certain: when it comes to the use of crystals, it is the power of mind over body that can ease what you are feeling.

While we're not insisting that crystals can heal or be used as a substitute for treatment, they can be used as a holistic supplement. Anxiety can cripple a person with labored breathing, trembling, loss of vision, chest pains, and more, and it certainly can't hurt to have one more item to turn to for self-care.

Flicker user Andrew Gustar


Known as an “all purpose stone,” amethyst is said to help provide clarity, regulate mood swings, and relieve stress and anxiety. It is said to also open your body and soul up to a higher intuition.

Clear Quartz
Unsplash | kira auf der heide

Clear Quartz

Known as the master healer, clear quartz is a stone that is said to be able to ease symptoms of mental, physical, and emotional trouble. It can be programmed to help heal issues from your past, while connecting you to your higher self.

Blue Lace Agate
Flickr user Stephanie Gough

Blue Lace Agate

Said to be able to calm feelings of rejection or past judgment, blue lace agate’s calming blues resemble the waves of the ocean. This stone may remind you to be fluid, helping to relieve the feelings of social anxiety.

Rose Quartz
Flicker user James St. John

Rose Quartz

One of the most calming crystals, rose quartz is a symbol of love and harmony. The stone is designed to help those that use it overcome emotional trauma tied to stress.

Flicker user Géry Parent


Similar to the rose quartz, albeit a bit stronger, is morganite. This crystal is said to have a high amount of loving energies attached to it that can help users overcome panic attacks and heart palpitations.

Jet Stone
Unsplash | Martin Sanchez

Jet Stone

Made of crystal that has been fossilized and metamorphosed, jet stone is said to be able to channel calming energy that can dispel anxious thoughts.



Said to be full of detoxifying properties, shungite allows users to clear the mind of negative energy and can also ease emotional difficulties that cause anxiety.

Flicker user Géry Parent


Sometimes used treat panic attacks, rhodonite crystal is a stone that targets trauma and can also be used to help ease anxiety and fear.

Lava Stone
Flicker user MikaylaDurtschi

Lava Stone

The fact that it comes from the earth makes lava stone a great crystal to help with channeling emotions and positive energy. Its grounding properties allow for calmness.

Flicker user Bob Richmond


Said to be able to calm the nervous system, malachite can provide users with peaceful energies, ridding the body and mind of depression and anxiety.