Tone and Sculpt Your Gorgeous, Strong Arms With These 5 No-Equipment Moves

Stronger, more toned arms will soon be yours with a little bit of hard work and these five simple but challenging bodyweight moves! That's right, no equipment necessary for this quick Pilates-and-barre-inspired routine from MNT Studio owner and founder Elaine Hayes. She created this arm-blasting routine specifically for POPSUGAR so you can feel strong, confident, and sexy. Are you ready?

Airplane Squeezes

Airplane Squeezes

  • Lie on your stomach with your chest and legs lifted and arms reaching back.
  • Inhale to prepare, exhale to squeeze your arms in toward each other, keeping your palms facing the ground.
  • Release to starting position. This completes one rep.
  • Complete 30 reps.

Technique/Form Notes:

  • Press your pubic bone into the mat to protect you lower back.
  • Make sure the back of your neck stays long and crease-free.
  • Imagine shooting laser beams out your fingertips as you squeeze in.
Arm Circles

Arm Circles

  • Sit in a comfortable seated position with your arms extended to the sides.
  • Circle your arms up, back, and around quickly 100 times. Your circles should be the size of a basketball.
  • Repeat in the opposite direction 100 times.

Technique/Form Notes:

  • Keep your arms super straight and move from the top of the arm bone (not the elbows). Engage all the muscles in your arms, but also your core and your lats.
  • This one feels like nothing at first, but after a few reps you'll start to feel the burn!
Chaturanga Push-Ups

Chaturanga Push-Ups

  • Come to all fours on your mat with your hands under your shoulders and your hips pressed forward so that you're in a kneeling, plank-like position.
  • Lift your feet off the ground so that your hamstrings are activated and your heels are squeezing in toward your seat.
  • Inhale to bend your elbows straight back, allowing your body to lower down.
  • Exhale to press back up to straight. This completes one rep.
  • Complete 20-30 reps.

Technique/Form Notes:

  • Slow and controlled is the name of the game here! Make sure your movement lasts for an entire long inhale on the way down, and for an entire long exhale on the way up.
  • Only go as low as you can while maintaining a straight back and your elbows squeezed in.
  • This type of push-up (with the elbows squeezing in and pointing back) targets the lats and triceps more, whereas traditional military style push-ups target the pecs.
  • For more intensity, pulse down 20 times at the end.
Flamingo Tricep Dips

Flamingo Tricep Dips

  • Come onto all-fours facing up, with your hands under your shoulders and your feet under your knees.
  • Lift your hips off the ground and reach your right leg straight up towards the ceiling.
  • Now, inhale to bend your elbows straight back and exhale to press back up again. This completes one rep.
  • Complete 20 reps on the first side. After completing all your reps, repeat on the second side.

Technique/Form Notes:

  • This one is a burner and super effective!
  • Keep your chest lifted and open to protect your shoulders.
  • If this is too intense on one leg, keep both feet down.
  • Reach energy through your lifted leg, especially as you dip down.
  • To intensify, pulse down 10 times at the end.
Pretzel Pusher

Pretzel Pusher

  • Begin in a "pretzel position," with your right leg forward at 90 degrees and the left leg back, also at 90 degrees.
  • Wrap your right arm around your waist and place your left hand on the ground in front of your body.
  • Lift your left leg off the ground and keep it lifted throughout the exercise.
  • Now, slowly bend your left elbow, lowering your body closer to the ground while simultaneously lifting your left leg higher.
  • This completes one rep. Complete 20 reps on each side.

Technique/Form Notes:

  • This move is great because it not only works your arms, but also your booty.
  • Keep your core engaged and make sure not to arch your lower back.
  • To intensify, add 20 pulses down at the end.