5 Yoga Wheel Poses For Beginners

POPSUGAR Photography | Dana Alyss
POPSUGAR Photography | Dana Alyss

"That yoga is so hot right now." It's said in a Mugatu voice. For some reason, people are always trying to spice up their yoga routines. First it was hot yoga, then aerial aka antigravity yoga; then goat yoga took off, and now yoga wheels are the hottest new fitness trend. It makes sense, though. Yoga helps you improve flexibility, spice up your sex life, and lose weight, so why wouldn't you want to keep it interesting to keep you interested?

The yoga wheel helps assist you to do deeper backbends and inversions. But this hot new trend looks like something only the pros can accomplish. Until now. Here are five easy yoga poses to start with if you're new to the yoga wheel.

Extended Child's Pose
POPSUGAR Photography | Dana Alyss

Extended Child's Pose

Start in Child's Pose with your knees wide and place both hands on the yoga wheel. Keeping your head down, roll the wheel out and extend your arms out and push your chest down. This will cause a deeper stretch in your arms and back and open your shoulders.

Easy Pigeon Pose
POPSUGAR Photography | Dana Alyss

Easy Pigeon Pose

With your yoga wheel positioned behind your back, sit on the floor with your knees close together and your feet flat on the ground. Lean back over the wheel in a position that's comfortable. When you feel ready, and only if you are able, take your arms back, reach over your head and bend your elbows. At first, you may not be able to go all the way back. That is OK; the more you do the stretch, the easier it will become to get fully extended into Half Pigeon.

Plank Pose
POPSUGAR Photography | Dana Alyss

Plank Pose

Grab the wheel and keep your arms straight. Slowly walk back into plank position. Keep your core tight and hold. The improves balance and overall body strength.

Forward Fold
POPSUGAR Photography | Dana Alyss

Forward Fold

Sit up straight and place both legs on the yoga wheel. Slowly grab the wheel and pull yourself forward until you feel a stretch in your calves and hamstrings.

Spinal Stretch
POPSUGAR Photography | Dana Alyss

Spinal Stretch

Place the yoga wheel at your back like you did for Easy Pigeon Pose and roll back, extending your legs outward. When you feel ready, raise your arms back over your head and extend outward. This pose lengthens your spine and improves your backbend.