These Weight-Loss Before-and-Afters Will Convince You to Try a Vegan Diet

There are a plethora of reasons that veganism is becoming increasingly popular. Even athletes and celebrities (like Beyoncé and Miley Cyrus) have turned to a vegan lifestyle. Not only does becoming vegan help save animals and the environment, but it also touts many health benefits, helps clear skin, and increases fitness performance. Several people have also turned to a vegan diet to promote weight loss.

Losing weight isn't always easy, but documenting progress by uploading pictures on Instagram has helped everyday people share their personal journeys and success stories to keep themselves and others motivated. We're definitely feeling some serious inspiration from these Instagrammers who have shown us their transformations after following a vegan diet.

Hannah Howlett

"I LOVE to eat. I always have and I'm so happy that I found a lifestyle where I can eat until I'm full and know that I am giving my body the best nutrition I can." — Hannah Howlett


"I'd usually be too embarrassed to show the first pic but instead I feel proud to see how far I've come. Just over one year since I joined the gym (and rather intermittently...) and I haven't been in a couple of weeks so this whole vegan lifestyle seems to be working out well." — Lily

Sarah Hasselberger

"This is what hard work, determination, and self-betterment looks like, folks!" — Sarah Hasselberger


"Little changes make a big difference. Veganism has saved me in so many ways." — Claire

Gabrielle Weldon

"I went plant-based not only for my health but to also lessen my impact on the environment and I have never looked back." — Gabrielle Weldon


"I saw immediate changes in my body, mood, and energy when I started eating a vegan diet. I was learning about and feeling the benefits of a plant based diet. I was losing fat with barely even exercising, had more energy throughout my day, and was overall happier. I also felt a sense of pride knowing I was helping save innocent animals and our environment." — Hailey

Alyssa Pringle

"Macros are great and all but remember QUALITY over quantity. Just because you're eating a certain amount doesn't mean your [sic] getting the nutrients you need. All I'm saying is don't be afraid to eat." — Alyssa Pringle


"Left: Standard American Diet filled with donuts, chips, candy, fast food, ice cream, cheeseburgers, alcohol, cigarettes[.]

Right: Whole food, plant-based lifestyle filled with chocolate-y smoothies, hearty bean and vegetable soups, amazing hummus flavors, delicious gourmet salad bowls...It doesn't matter where you start. It doesn't matter how 'far gone' you may feel. It doesn't matter what your friends or society thinks. It doesn't matter if you think you can't give up cheese or fast food. What matters is YOU. Your life... how do you want to live it?" — Bethany

Lauren Elizabeth

"Veganism saved me man... when doctors had no other answer but a lifetime of Go vegan. It's way easier to prevent disease than it is to cure it. For real." — Lauren Elizabeth

Dani Taylor

"A lot of people ask why I don't talk about this more. The reason is that it was uniquely my journey and I don't like to give false impressions that anyone who goes vegan will lose weight. You might, you might not. Weight loss wasn't my reason for going Vegan, and I was pretty happy before I lost weight as well. And if nothing had changed physically, I still would have stayed vegan. But what happened FOR ME when I went Vegan was that I DID start losing weight. My chronic ear and sinus infections stopped. And for the first time in my whole life, I realized that I had more control over my health than I had ever thought." — Dani Taylor


"Change is important. Consistency is important. I'm committed to improving myself slightly each day. One day at a time." — Chemese