Find Out Which Workout You Should Do Based on This Horoscope!

Unsplash | Mark Adriane

We've looked to the stars for guidance on love, sex, and happiness — but now we can use our horoscope to find out what kind of workouts we need. Thanks to Reebok and astrologer Jennifer Racioppi, your workout horoscope is complete with everything you'll need for your best fitness month yet.

"This sun's position and the lunar cycle impact how you feel in your body and your life," Jennifer told POPSUGAR. So look ahead to see how moving and strengthening will help you in the month of May!



"With the sun at the bottom of your chart in Taurus traveling through your house of home, experimenting with at-home workouts inspires innovation. So check out digital classes, learn new bodyweight exercises, or invest in a few pieces of exercise equipment for your home or apartment. In the meanwhile, the Scorpio full moon on April 29 lights up your career. The spotlight is on you at work; so own it. Venus in a fellow air sign, Gemini (Venus moves into Gemini on April 24), supports you tremendously.

As we move into May, your ruler, Uranus (the planet of revolution), makes his way into your fourth house too, the same day as the Taurus new moon, (May 15), meaning you may want to do more than just work out at home. Painting, rearranging furniture and letting go of what you no longer need inspires and uplifts. Come May 16, Mars moves into Aquarius; so get ready — you're about to blast off."



"As the sun makes his way through your third house, now's the time to think about signing up for a weekend, out-of-town retreat! Possibly even for the full moon on April 29? The nine-degree Scorpio full moon occurs in your ninth house of travel and big-picture thinking! So you may find travel invigorating and supportive of your health goals.

To compliment your fitness routine, consider journaling. As an intuitive empath, it's important to articulate your feelings; doing so aids your health tremendously. With Uranus getting ready to move from Aries into Taurus on May 15, a sign he's traveled in since 2011, big changes loom, and more than any other sign, you feel deeply. So take care of you.

Epsom salt baths, meditation, and music prove healing for you. Want to go even deeper when it comes to self-care? Consider performing or attending a new moon ritual on May 15."



"The sun in Taurus travels through your second house of self-worth, igniting your solar plexus. Known as your Manipura chakra in Sanskrit, correlating with the element of fire, your core power supports self-assurance and confidence.

Pilates and rowing assist you to activate this power now. The Scorpio full moon in April 29 lights up your eighth house of rebirth and at this time, you may feel an uptick in your sex drive. Exploring your sensuality may open new potentials. Meanwhile, Uranus, who represents revolution and change, moves out of Aries and into Taurus on May 15.

Look back over the last seven years (Uranus entered your sign March 11, 2011) and notice how you've transformed. Honor your growth (it hasn't been easy!). The Taurus new moon occurs the same day in your second house of self-worth, offering the perfect moment to set intentions for increased self-esteem and abundance."



"With the sun traveling in your first house of body, now's the time ignite your workouts. Think: rebounding and strength training. You are primed to increase stamina and muscle tone.

As Venus, the planet of love and beauty travels through your sign (Venus entered Taurus on March 31 and leaves on April 24), the planet of love bestows blessings of embodiment upon you. As Mars, the planet of action, and Pluto, the planet of power, conjoin in fellow Earth sign Capricorn on April 26, your fortitude (and courage) expands even more.

Come the full moon in Scorpio on April 29, you have the potential to command the room. Ignite new intentions for how you want to be seen and celebrated come the new moon on May 15. This extraspecial day also heralds Uranus, the planet of revolution, entering your sign. This long-term transit ignites change."



"With only one month remaining before your birthday season kicks into full effect, now's the time to focus on restoration and integration. Think Yin, slow-flow yoga, and classical Pilates or barre. You'll want steady movement that helps you lengthen while supporting your nervous system.

With Venus, the planet of love and beauty, moving into your sign on April 24, a place she'll travel until May 19, you'll receive an extra boost of luscious attention. So be ready to accept it.

The full moon on April 29 occurs in your sixth house of health routines, putting an extra emphasis on wellness in your life now. The new moon in Taurus on May 15 is a perfect time to kick-start a meditation practice. Having just borne the brunt of your ruling planet, Mercury, who was retrograde until April 15, you have new marching orders in your life. Can you get quiet enough to hear them? Slow down so you can listen."



"With the sun now in your 11th house, embracing group fitness may potentially revolutionize your workout (possibly, even, your life). Despite having innate homebody tendencies, now's the time to push yourself to get out of your house, grab a bike at your favorite cycling spot (or a mat at your yoga studio), and sweat.

Don't have a choice workout? Explore. Push past boundaries and try new activities. On May 15, a powerful new moon (new moons seed new growth) occurs in your 11th house of groups too — this new moon perfectly trines Saturn, the planet of discipline and growth. Accountability takes you precisely where you need to be! But before the new moon, there's a full moon in Scorpio on April 29 occurring in your house of romance and creativity. Lean into the whispers of your soul — you never know where following your curiosity will take you now."



"As the sun moves into Taurus, the spotlight falls on you. With your career heating up, don't forget that exercise fuels your high-performance lifestyle. Even when vicious thoughts about being too busy fill your mind, remember, it's the expansion of your lungs via your breath, the movement of lymph through light jumping, and the stress to your muscles created by weight-bearing activity that reduces cortisol levels, detoxes your body, and increases your capacity to think creatively.

Try a HIIT class or CrossFit workout to make all of that happen. Also, exercise helps you hold necessary boundaries with others. The sun in Taurus on your solar midheaven (aka "fame line") leadership capacities elevate now. So stay on top of your game! On April 26, Mars and Pluto conjoin in your sixth house of fitness, emphasizing even more how much working out will impact your bottom line. The new moon on May 15 presents the perfect opportunity to take your professional life to the next level. Set intentions to soar then."



"The sun in fellow earth sign Taurus amplifies your ability to get into your body (and out of your head). Light walking, hiking, and trail running do you well now. Want to use resistance training? Pick a routine and take it to the local park. Nature heals. With the full moon in Scorpio on April 29 approaching your third house of short distance, you may even want to plan a little getaway to a nearby forest or beach for some deep breaths and meditation!

With Mars, the planet of action, conjoining powerhouse Pluto align at the same degree of Capricorn in your fifth house of creativity on April 26, you'll have energy fit to burst. May brings invigorating changes as Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, moves from Aries into Taurus the same day as Taurus new moon — May 15 — electrifying change even more! Embrace embodiment."



"With the sun now traveling in your eighth house, focus on intimacy (yes, the sexual type). Open your hips by experimenting with a weighted hula hoop, yoga poses like Pigeon, and psoas stretching asanas like a Restorative Bridge or Low Lunge. The hips connect to the second chakra. The full moon on April 29 in Scorpio happens in your second house of money, and from an esoteric standpoint, money connects with this chakra too. With the sun and moon meeting up in your eighth house of sexuality in Taurus on May 15, as well as Uranus, the planet of activation, entering into this house on May 15 too, embodiment proves fruitful now. Venus, the planet of love and your ruler, comes into fellow air sign Gemini also on April 24, a place she'll travel until May 19 — a favorable place for you, dear Libra."



"With a full moon in Scorpio quickly approaching (the full moon happens on April 29 at 8:58 p.m. ET, at nine degrees of Scorpio) your soul may feel ablaze. Use intrinsic forces brewing within to set your muscles ablaze. Think: squats, lunges, and running plank. With good-luck Jupiter traveling in Scorpio, now's the time to own it.

Not feeling much like a titan? Tap into your mindset by using affirmation as you workout. Recite a powerful phrase regarding an intention you'd like to see come to fruition while you move. Need even more support? Consider investing in a personal trainer or a coach. With the sun cruising through your seventh house of partnerships and a new moon to look forward to in this section of your chart on May 15, partnership fortifies results."



"Integrate restoration and stretching into your wellness routine this month. With the sun traveling in your sixth house of daily rhythms and health, it's essential to fine-tune your strategy — a go-big-or-go-home mentality only gets you so far. Learning moderation becomes crucial, especially at the time of the Scorpio full moon lights up your mystical 12th house on April 29.

A full moon in the 12th house might make you crave extra sleep. Create time for rest and stay patient on April 25 and 26, the days leading up to the full moon. With taskmaster Saturn, Mars, and Pluto all aligned in your second house of self-worth, I know you feel the pressure. But trust! Come the new moon in Taurus on May 15, the cosmos encourage you to commit (or recommit) to your wellness goals.

Remember, success isn't a race; it's a rhythm. Honing and listening to your intuition crucially supports you to reach your goals now."



"The sun travels through your fifth house of creativity, activating innovation and the need to play too. But with Saturn, Mars, and Pluto all in Capricorn, your first house of personal identity, pressure creeps like a criminal in the night; especially as Mars, the planet of action, and Pluto, the planet of power, conjoin in your sign on April 26.

You need to prioritize fun regardless. Doing so fuels creativity and ensures the longevity of passion. When it comes to your workouts, think hip-hop dance sessions, Spinning, or hot yoga. Slow and steady exercises work well for you too. The full moon in Scorpio on the April 29 lights up your 11th house of group activity, so maybe even skip the workout altogether and head straight to the dance floor instead. Keep a lookout for what emerges on May 15 when Uranus enters into fellow earth sign Taurus, the same day as the new moon. Strong intentions for innovation prove fruitful then."

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