Target's New High-Protein Ice Creams Are a Healthy Alternative to Your Favorite Flavors

Welcome to the high-protein ice cream game, Target. The superstore's brand Archer Farms recently released its own line of healthy ice creams, in flavors that are already making our mouths water: Mini Donut, Chocolate Pecan Pie, Mint Cookies & Cream, Caramel Maple Bourbon Pecan, and Cookie Dough. These healthy alternatives to traditional ice cream flavors range from 20 to 22g of protein and stay within the mid-300 calorie count.

Who says you can't give in to your indulgent cravings and continue to eat healthy at the same time? While most of these new sweet frozen treats are only available in stores, something tells us they're worth the trip. See the available flavors ahead and decide which pint will make its way into your shopping cart next.

Chocolate Peanut Butter

Chocolate Peanut Butter

Mint Cookies & Cream

Mint Cookies & Cream

Caramel Maple Bourbon Pecan

Caramel Maple Bourbon Pecan

Chocolate Pecan Pie

Chocolate Pecan Pie

Mini Donut

Mini Donut