Aching Back? Try These Simple, At-Home Stretches to Soothe Sore Muscles

Say goodbye to upper body tension with these easy wall stretches from our friends at PaleoHacks!

Whether you've got lower back pain, middle back soreness, or aches in your upper back and shoulders, these gentle wall stretches can help. Bonus: All of them can be done without you having to maneuver yourself up and down off the floor.

These nine wall stretches can be done as a routine or individually. We recommend that you do these stretches two or three times a day to help beat back tightness and pain — just check with your doctor first.

Double V — 30 seconds per side

Double V — 30 seconds per side

Start with this stretch to relieve tightness between the shoulder blades.

  1. Stand to face a wall. Place your hands on the wall and turn your fingers inward to face each other.
  2. Crawl your hands past each other to cross your arms. Continue crawling your hands outward until your arms are straight.
  3. Turn your palms to face away from the wall and step your feet closer to the wall. Hold for 30 seconds, taking deep breaths and feeling your back stretch. Then, switch the crossing of your arms and repeat.
Side Bend — 30 seconds per side

Side Bend — 30 seconds per side

Use this stretch to loosen up the muscles between your ribs, which can cause back pain and constricted breathing when tight.

  1. Stand with your right shoulder facing the wall. Place your right palm on the wall and step your feet away from the wall until your arm is straight. Your wrist should be in line with your shoulder.
  2. Reach your left arm up and over your head so that your fingers are reaching towards the wall. Gently bump your hips to the left.
  3. Breathe into your left side as you hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
Puppy Stretch — 30 seconds

Puppy Stretch — 30 seconds

This stretch helps ease pain and tightness in the mid-to-upper back and shoulders.

  1. Stand about a foot away from the wall, facing it. Reach your arms up to the wall and bring your palms to touch.
  2. Bend your elbows to bring your thumbs behind your head, pressing your chest towards the wall. For a deeper stretch, step your feet further away from the wall.
  3. Hold for 30 seconds.
Knee-To-Chest — 30 seconds per side

Knee-To-Chest — 30 seconds per side

The stretch alleviates tightness in the hip flexors, which can lead to lower back pain.

  1. Lean with your back against the wall, and your feet about a one-foot distance from the wall.
  2. Pick up your right foot and lift the knee up towards your chest. Interlace your hands around the front of your knee and squeeze it up and in.
  3. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
Figure 4 — 30 seconds per side

Figure 4 — 30 seconds per side

This stretch opens up the outer hip and glute muscles, which can compress the sciatic nerve and cause lower back pain.

  1. Remain with your back against the wall. Step your toes out about two feet away from the wall.
  2. Pick up your right foot and cross your right ankle over your left thigh.
  3. Bend your left knee and slide your back down the wall your knee should be at a 90-degree angle. Flex your right foot. You should feel a stretch through your outer right hip.
  4. For a deeper sensation, gently press down on your right thigh to open the hip. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
Supine Twist — 30 seconds per side

Supine Twist — 30 seconds per side

Gently twist your spine in this wall stretch to increase mobility and relieve pain in the upper and lower back.

  1. Stand with your back against the wall and your feet a few inches away.
  2. Pick up your right knee and hug it into your chest.
  3. Take a breath in and on your exhale, use your left hand to cross your right thigh across your body. Straighten your right arm out along the wall with your palm facing forward.
  4. Hold the twist for 30 seconds to feel your chest, lower back, and hip opening. Then, switch sides.
Wall Downdog — 30 seconds

Wall Downdog — 30 seconds

Alleviate upper back pain and stiffness with this wall stretch that loosens up the lats, chest, and shoulders.

  1. Begin standing with your hands shoulder-width distance apart on the wall.
  2. Walk your feet back and crawl your hands down the wall until they are at hip height.
  3. Then, position your ankles in line with your hips so that your body is at a 90-degree angle from the wall.
  4. Press your palms into the wall and gently lower your chest down to feel a stretch along the chest and shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds.
Standing Forward Bend — 30 seconds

Standing Forward Bend — 30 seconds

Press your palms into the wall and gently lower your chest down to feel a stretch along the chest and shoulders.

  1. Stand with your back against the wall and walk your feet out about a foot.
  2. Bring a generous bend into your knees and fold forward with a flat back, bringing your hands to the floor. If they can't reach the floor, bend your knees even more.
  3. Rest your torso on your thighs and let your head and shoulders relax. Hold for 30 seconds as you feel your lower back and hamstrings release.
Hamstrings Stretch — 30 seconds per side

Hamstrings Stretch — 30 seconds per side

Tight hamstrings can lead to tight hip flexors, which contributes to back pain. Relieve hamstring tightness quickly with this stretch.

  1. Stand to face the wall.
  2. Place your right foot up on the wall about hip height. Your legs should be at a 90-degree angle. Press your foot firmly into the wall for stability.
  3. Reach towards your toes with both hands, bending your knee as much as you need to reach your hands to your foot. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.