10-Minute CrossFit Workouts to Build Lean Muscle — 13 Workouts All in 1 Place

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If you are intimidated to join a CrossFit gym and want to see what the workouts are like without paying a dime, here are 13 10-minute CrossFit workouts you can try on your own. You'll get a taste of how intense and effective basic moves can be, which just might inspire you to find a box near you.

10-Minute Ab Workout

This is a quick ab workout we did in my CrossFit class that totally toasted my core! This incorporates mostly bodyweight moves, so it's the perfect workout to do at home, on vacation, or anywhere you don't have access to gym equipment.

Equipment needed: sliders or paper plates if you're on carpet, or two hand towels if you're on a wood floor

POPSUGAR Photography | Kathryna Hancock

10-Minute AMRAP

Here's a CrossFit AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) workout designed by Jade Jenny, CrossFit coach and owner of Champlain Valley CrossFit, that you can do on your own.

Equipment needed: jump rope and a sturdy bench or box

10-Minute Kettlebell Workout

Be warned: even though this kettlebell workout is only 10 minutes long, there's no rest, and your legs, butt, and arms will be smoked by the end.

Equipment needed: one light to medium kettlebell (five to 35 pounds)

3-Move CrossFit Workout

This quick three-move workout involves cardio plus strength training, so it'll burn fat and build muscle.

Equipment needed: If you're doing single-unders, use a heavyweight jump rope. (If you don't have one, just use a regular jump rope. For double-unders, use a regular jump rope). You'll also need a pair of rings or a TRX, and a pair of dumbbells (10 to 25 pounds) or a barbell for the thrusters (35 to 55 pounds).

10-Minute Arm Workout

This CrossFit workout may not use a barbell, but that doesn't mean you won't completely fatigue your arms in just 10 minutes. It's fast-paced and intense, and it uses a variety of equipment to keep things fun. It's the perfect workout to do when you're short on time.

Equipment needed: soft medicine ball (eight to 20 pounds), rings (or a TRX or a sturdy table), a slam ball (20 to 40 pounds), and a set of medium-weight dumbbells

POPSUGAR Photography | Rima Brindamour

Insane (but Totally Doable) CrossFit Burpee Workout

There is just one move for this workout: burpees! See how long it takes you to complete 100, then try to beat your time.

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10-Minute Up-Ladder Workout

Try this heart-pumping, thigh-burning, shoulder-sculpting up-ladder workout.

Equipment needed: jump rope and a pair of medium-weight dumbbells

10-Minute Dumbbell Arm Workout

While barbells and gymnastics moves are a big reason CrossFitters' arms look so strong and defined, dumbbells are just as important. This dumbbell workout incorporates five moves to target the biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders, and upper back.

Equipment needed: pair of dumbbells (six to 20 pounds). You can keep two pairs on hand to switch them up based on the moves.

10-Minute Butt and Arm Workout

This CrossFit workout is composed of two simple moves. But don't think for a second that it means this workout is easy, because you will be sorely (pun intended!) mistaken.

Equipment needed: pair of light to medium dumbbells (five to 20 pounds, depending on your strength)


10-Minute Kettlebell and Burpee Workout

If you've always wanted to try CrossFit, here's a straightforward workout you can do that's just two moves: kettlebell swings and everyone's favorite, burpees. These two moves offer a total-body workout in under 10 minutes.

Equipment needed: one light to medium kettlebell (five to 35 pounds)


CrossFit Butt Workout

It may seem short and basic, but holy booty burn! Eight minutes will seem so long for your butt and thighs, plus your heart rate will be soaring and your sweat dripping after this workout!

Equipment needed: box or sturdy chair

POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

Intense 10-Minute Home Workout

All you'll need for this intense home workout are a jump rope and under 10 minutes to get your heart pumping and work your upper and lower body.

Equipment needed: jump rope

POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

10-Minute Bodyweight Workout

The trick with this 10-minute up-ladder workout is that the reps keep increasing by three, so while it seems pretty easy on paper, you'll be moving fast for an entire 10 minutes.

Equipment needed: none

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