Channel Your Inner Flower Child With This '60s-Inspired Yoga Flow

Halloween is just around the corner, and Obé Fitness wants to help you celebrate. This week, the at-home workout app kicked off its special holiday programming with its Time Warp series of decade-themed classes. Each class is inspired by a different decade and incorporates a different kind of exercise. Certified yoga instructor Beth Cooke teaches the '60s Flower Power Flow virtual yoga class.

"Yoga helps build strength and stability in the body and mind to live a long, grounded, joyful life," Cooke told POPSUGAR. "And while 100 percent of life is not joyful, as we fall down sometimes, yoga gives us the tools to pick ourselves back up and bounce back."

The other workouts include '70s Disco HIIT and Strength, '80s Aerobics, and '90s R&B Strength.

The instructors even dress up in workout-friendly costumes to fully give you a blast from the past. For the Flower Power Flow, Cooke wears tie-dye flared yoga pants and a matching teal crop top — a green and blue peace sign painted on her cheek completes the look. According to Cooke, a themed class is exciting because it "takes an ordinary day and makes it special."

You can channel your inner flower child and try out Cooke's psychedelic yoga flow at home. Peace signs and tie-dye are optional, but remember to take rest breaks whenever you need them. For this workout, hold each pose for about 30 seconds and repeat the flow twice. To transition between poses, flow through downward dog or child's pose. You can also check out the Obé Fitness app to try the other fun decade workouts.

Cat Cow
Obé Fitness

Cat Cow

  • Begin on your hands and knees so your back is flat and your abs are engaged. As you inhale, let your belly soften, arch your back, and lift your head and tailbone. Look upward. This part of the stretch is called Cow.
  • With an exhale, round your spine up to the ceiling, pull your abs toward your spine, and simultaneously tuck your tailbone in and draw your chin toward your chest. This part is known as Cat.
  • For about 30 seconds, continue flowing back and forth from Cat to Cow, breathing deeply so as not to rush each movement.
Low Lunge
Obé Fitness

Low Lunge

  • Put all of your weight into your standing leg and step backward with your other foot into a lunge position. Your front knee should be in line with your big toe. You can lead with either foot.
  • Let your back knee drop down to the floor and untuck your toes.
  • Pull your arms back into a cactus shape with your fingers spread out and flared.
  • Reach your arms up.
  • Repeat this reaching motion for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
Mountain Climber
Obé Fitness

Mountain Climber

  • Start in a traditional plank with your shoulders directly over your hands and wrists. Be sure to keep your back flat and your butt down, maintaining a neutral spine.
  • Engage your core (think about pulling your belly button toward your spine) and lift up your right knee, bringing it toward your elbow. It's OK if you can't bring the knee all the way to your elbow. Return the right knee back to the starting position as you simultaneously drive your left knee up toward your left elbow. Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat with your left leg. Continue switching legs for 30 seconds.
Pulsing Goddess Pose
Obé Fitness

Pulsing Goddess Pose

  • Stand with your feet wide apart and sit into a squat, forming second position.
  • Bend your knees slightly and pulse downward, sitting deeper by a few inches, then coming up a few inches.
  • Let your arms hang free and loose.
High Lunge to Hugging Knee
Obé Fitness

High Lunge to Hugging Knee

  • Put all of your weight into your standing leg and step backward with your other foot into a lunge position. Your front knee should be bent and in line with your big toe. You can lead with either foot.
  • Stay in a high lunge with your arms raised overhead.
  • Shift your weight into your front foot and bring your back leg up into your chest so you are hugging your knee, balancing on your standing leg.
  • Gently put your back leg down and return to the high lunge position.
  • Repeat these knee lifts for 30 seconds, then switch sides.