Work Your Arms, Abs, Glutes, and Legs With This 15-Minute At-Home Barre Workout

Sweat App
Sweat App

Want to get in a full-body workout in less than 20 minutes sans equipment? Try this exclusive total-body barre workout from Britany Williams, Sweat app trainer, IBBFA and Barre Variations certified, and creator of the Barre with Britany program.

"The purpose of the workout is to work the muscles to the point of fatigue to strengthen and lengthen the muscle while promoting better mind-body connection," Williams told POPSUGAR. This workout will also help you improve your muscle endurance, strength, and core stability.

This 15-minute workout begins with an abs and arm series, then you'll work your way down to your glutes and thighs for a total-body sweat sesh. We know you're ready to get to work, so grab a mat, some water, and a towel, because it's time to go hard for the next 15 minutes!

Britany Williams's At-Home, Full-Body Barre Workout

Equipment needed: A mat or a soft surface.

Directions: Before starting the workout, feel free to do a few dynamic stretches or any type of movement you need. This barre workout should be completed as a circuit, meaning you'll perform each exercise for the designated time back to back, taking little to no rest in between each move. Perform all the moves on the right side of your body for rounds one and three, then perform all the moves on the left side of your body for rounds two and four. If needed, take a short rest in between rounds. Once you've finished the workout, cool down and stretch.

  • Triceps kickback pulse: 30 seconds
  • Push-up to side plank hip dip: 30 seconds
  • Crescent lunge tap and lift with bicep curl and triceps kickback: 30 seconds
  • Wide second to lunge: 30 seconds
  • Wide second to first position: 30 seconds
  • Plié with lateral reach: 30 seconds
  • Plié pulse: 30 seconds

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Triceps Kickback Pulse
Sweat App

Triceps Kickback Pulse

  • Come into a plank position with your hands underneath your shoulders and your feet a little wider than hip-distance apart. Engage your core and lower-body muscles by pulling your belly button into your spine and contracting your glutes and quads.
  • With control, lift your right hand off the ground and lift it straight behind you, fully extending your arm with your palm facing up. Make sure to keep your back flat and avoiding shifting your hips. Both hips should be pointing down toward the ground.
  • Pulse your arm up an inch, contracting through your triceps. Then lower your arm back to the starting position.
  • The wider your feet are, the easier it will be to stabilize your body. If performing this move from the plank position is too challenging, you can modify this movement by lowering down to your knees. Be sure to keep your hips fully extended throughout the movement.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Continue pulsing for 30 seconds.
Push-Up to Side Plank Hip Dip
Sweat App

Push-Up to Side Plank Hip Dip

  • Come into a plank position with your hands underneath your shoulders and your feet a little wider than hip-distance apart. Engage your core and lower-body muscles by pulling your belly button into your spine and contracting your glutes and quads.
  • Lower down into a push-up, bending your arms back on the diagonal.
  • Press back up to the plank position, then lift your right arm off the ground as you simultaneously rotate your body to the left, opening up to the right, and reaching your right arm straight up to the sky. You should be in a left side plank.
  • From this position, lower your hips toward the ground, then squeeze your obliques (your side abdominal muscles) to lift your hips back up.
  • From here, rotate your body toward the right and place your right hand on the ground. You should be back in your high plank position.
  • If this is too challenging, modify the movement by performing a modified push-up and a side bridge.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Crescent Lunge Tap and Lift With Bicep Curl and Triceps Kickback
Sweat App

Crescent Lunge Tap and Lift With Bicep Curl and Triceps Kickback

  • Start standing with your feet hip-width apart. Step your right foot back about three feet. Bend your left leg so it's at a 90-degree angle; your right leg should be fully extended, and you should be resting on the ball of your right foot. Hinge (bend) forward so your torso is at a slight angle. Your neck and spine should be in a straight line. Reach your arms in front of you on the low diagonal.
  • Step your right leg forward so it's parallel with your standing leg as you bend your arms at the elbows, performing a bicep curl.
  • Extend your right leg back to the starting position as you simultaneously extend your arms straight.
  • Lift your right leg up toward the ceiling as you reach your arms behind you as high as you can, performing a triceps kickback.
  • Lower your right leg back to the ground, and return your arms to the starting position.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Wide Second to Lunge
Sweat App

Wide Second to Lunge

  • Start in a lunge position with your left leg bent at 90 degrees. Your knee shouldn't go past your toes. Your right foot should be behind you, also bent at a 90-degree angle, pressing through the ball of your right foot.
  • Reach both arms straight forward. Keeping your left leg relatively still, rotate to your right as you simultaneously pivot on your back foot, coming into a wide second position. As you rotate your body, open your right arm out to the side. Your arms should be open in a "T" position.
  • Your feet should be wider than your hips, and both of your legs should be bent with your toes slightly turned out. Make sure to keep your chest upright.
  • With control, pivot back to your lunge position as you simultaneously close your right arm, returning to the starting position.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Wide Second to First Position
Sweat App

Wide Second to First Position

  • Start in a wide second position with your feet further than hip-width apart. Your toes should be turned out, and your knees should be bent so your thighs are parallel to the ground. Keep your chest upright, and slightly tuck your hips. Your arms should be open and out to your sides.
  • Contract your thighs to come to a standing position, bringing both heels together to touch in a "V" shape. This is first position.
  • As you bring your feet together, slide your arms forward in front of your body. There should be a slight bend at your elbows, and it should look like you're trying to give someone a large hug.
  • Step back out to wide second as you simultaneously open your arms out to the side.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Plié With Lateral Reach
Sweat App

Plié With Lateral Reach

  • Start standing with your heels touching and your feet turned out in a "V" shape. Bring your elbows in by your rib cage with your arms open to 90 degrees and your palms facing forward.
  • Keeping your heels together, press through the balls of your feet, and lift your heels off the ground, bending your knees as you lift your heels. Simultaneously reach your arms straight out to the sides.
  • Lower your heels back down to the ground, straighten your legs slightly, and bring your arms back to your rib cage.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
Plié Pulse
Sweat App

Plié Pulse

  • Start standing with your feet in first position with your heels together and your feet turned out, creating a "V" shape. Lift up so you're balancing on your tippy toes while keeping your heels together.
  • Bend your knees, and keep your chest upright and hips slightly tucked. Hold your arms straight out to the sides; your arms should be at shoulder height.
  • Lower your body down a few inches, pulsing your lower body, then lift up a few inches.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.