This Tech-Driven Smart Water Bottle Held Me Accountable For My Hydration Habits

POPSUGAR Photography | Anvita Reddy
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If there is one thing I've heard constantly from practically everyone in my life, it's that I need to drink more water. Even before I can finish complaining about a headache, feeling tired, my congested skin, feeling bloated, or even a hangover, friends and family interrupt with, "You should drink some water." Those words are ingrained into my brain like the infamous iPhone alarm sound. I've even had a date tell me to drink more water! I knew that my hydration habits had to change — it was a self-care practice I was neglecting for too long — but I needed some extra help.

I have stacks of stylish water bottles, all filled to the brim. I tried habit-tracking apps that remind you throughout the day. Nothing really helped since I was never held accountable to reach and complete my hydration goals for the day. Once I heard about the innovative and tech-driven HidrateSpark Steel ($70) smart water bottle, I was intrigued and needed to put it to the test. The water bottle and the accompanying app worked together to keep me accountable for my hydration goals and habits. The HidrateSpark Steel does more than send reminders to your phone. It keeps track of your water intake pretty accurately. The tech behind the HidrateSpark Steel is a Bluetooth-enabled LED sensor puck that attaches to the bottom of the bottle and sends information to the app. The puck has two main purposes: glow to remind you to drink water, and track your water intake. Within a week, I completely changed how frequently I drink water throughout the day. Keep reading to see how the smart water bottle works and how it kept me accountable for staying hydrated.

HidrateSpark Steel: Glow Reminders

The puck of the Hidrate Spark Steel Smart Water Bottle ($70) will glow throughout the day to remind you to drink water. This feature is great for when you are sitting in one place, like at a desk. However, if you move around a lot and don't have the bottle in front of you constantly, you can miss a few glow reminders. But, no worries: with app-enabled notifications on your phone and/or smartwatch, you can still get reminders. You can customize the glow color, pattern, and frequency, all in the app. I would love to see the company add sound or alarm reminders in the updated or newer versions to help remind us to stay hydrated even if the bottle isn't in your line of sight.

HidrateSpark Steel: Water Intake

The sensor puck tracks your water intake by measuring the amount of water in the HidrateSpark Steel Smart Water Bottle ($70). When you first get the bottle, you have to calibrate it so the puck can accurately detect the weight of an empty bottle, full bottle, and everything in between. The puck will send water intake data to the app via Bluetooth throughout the day, and you can view your progress in real time with numerical results. By far, this feature is what makes the bottle worth it! Seeing how much water I actually drank throughout the day was eye-opening and, in turn, motivating. Just like how you want to close all three fitness rings on your Apple Watch, the HidrateSpark Steel Water Bottle pushed me to complete my hydration goals. Although you can manually add water intake like traditional habit-tracking apps, the real-time data kept me accountable for my water intake, thus motivating me to reach for my bottle regardless of a glow reminder.

HidrateSpark App

The HidrateSpark Steel Smart Water Bottle ($70) comes with an app that is the hub behind the analytics of your hydration habits and goals. The home section tracks your daily water intake and shows your progress, current target for the time of day, and how much you have left to achieve the daily goal. You can view your monthly progress in the history tab. You can share your progress and results with friends and join app-driven challenges in the social tab. Customize your glow reminders, your HidrateSpark smart water bottles, and more under the bottles or settings tab. You can even set up the exact times you wake up and go to bed, so the bottle doesn't randomly light up when you are asleep. The app calculates your hydration goal based on the specific parameters you put in, such as your age, weight, height, activity level, and if you are pregnant or nursing. However, you can manually decide your own hydration goals.

HidrateSpark 3 Smart Water Bottle

The big difference that mattered to me between the HidrateSpark 3 Smart Water Bottle ($60) and the HidrateSpark Steel is that the HidrateSpark 3 needs its batteries replaced after a few months, whereas the HidrateSpark Steel has a rechargeable battery. However, both pretty much have the same capabilities when it comes down to the specifics of the tech. If you prefer stainless steel bottles, colder water, or prefer rechargeable devices, I would go for the HidrateSpark Steel bottle. Otherwise, save $10 and get the HidrateSpark 3.

HidrateSpark Steel Smart Water Bottle With Straw Lid

If you prefer straw lids, you can get the Hidrate Spark Steel Smart Water Bottle With Straw Lid ($70).

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