Strengthen Your Abs and Butt With This 15-Minute, Total-Body, Equipment-Free Pilates Workout

Emily Abay
Emily Abay

When's the last time you were mindful about how you moved your body during a workout? Instead of just going through the motions, being intentional about every movement can help prevent injury and allows you to reap the maximum benefits no matter the training modality. Plus, you'll also improve your mind-body connection.

If you're in need of more mindful movement, try this total-body, equipment-free Pilates workout from Jacqui Kingswell, Studio Pilates certified, founder of The Pilates Class. This workout can be done anytime, and when done in the morning, it will help you "set yourself up with some mindful movement that will connect you with your body and your breath," Kingswell told POPSUGAR.

If you're ready to feel more grounded while simultaneously working your muscles, grab your water, because it's time to move. And if you like this workout, check out more classes by Kingswell with a free seven-day trial on The Pilates Class's website.

Jacqui Kingwell's 15-Minute, Total-Body Pilates Workout

Equipment needed: a yoga mat or a soft surface

Directions: The workout is designed to ease you into the movement, so you don't need to do an additional warmup. If you'd like, feel free to stretch and move in whatever way makes you feel your best. Complete each exercise for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds in between each exercise. To cool down, Kingswell recommends stretching for five to 20 minutes (The Pilates Class offers stretch classes on its website).

  • Roll down into Downward Dog plank: repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds
  • Extended leg lift: repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds
  • Bridge with leg lift: repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds
  • Toe tap in abdominal curl: repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds
  • Mountain climber into Downward Dog: repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds
  • Squat knee to elbow: repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds
  • Lunge to lean forward: repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds
  • Lunge to fly: repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds
  • Knee repeater: repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds
  • High plank with leg lift: repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds
  • Breathe: take five minutes to breathe and cool down
Roll Down Into Downward Dog Plank
Jacqui Kingswell

Roll Down Into Downward Dog Plank

  • Start standing hip-distance apart with your feet parallel and your knees slightly bent.
  • Tuck your chin to your chest, and slowly start to roll down.
  • Walk your hands out through a Downward Dog position into a high plank.
  • Line up your shoulders with your wrists, make sure you have a long spine, engage your core by drawing your belly button back toward your spine, lengthen out through your heels, lift up out of your shoulders, and remember to breathe.
  • Deepen the core connection by drawing your belly back toward your spine even deeper. Press back into a Downward Dog, walk your hands back toward your feet, bend your knees, scoop your belly, and slowly roll up, peeling each vertebrae at a time.
  • If you need to modify, lower your knees in your plank; you will still get a great core connection. Remember, it's always better to have the correct technique.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds.
Extended Leg Lift
Jacqui Kingswell

Extended Leg Lift

  • Kneeling on all fours, line up your shoulders with your wrists and create a long and flat spine. Line up your knees under your hip bones, scoop your belly button back toward your spine, and lift and lengthen out of your body.
  • Extend your left leg along your mat, pointing through your toes. Without arching your back, squeeze your left glute and lift up your left leg, then control it as you lower down. Make sure you really focus on lengthening your leg out as long as you can; go for length over height.
  • Imagine someone is holding onto your ankle, pulling your leg to get longer. Then imagine you have a coffee on your lower back, and as you start the movement, try not to spill the coffee by engaging your core and keeping a flat and long spine.
  • This counts as one rep.
  • Repeat for 25 seconds on your left leg and 25 seconds on your right leg, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds.
Bridge With Leg Lift
Jacqui Kingswell

Bridge With Leg Lift

  • Start lying on your back with your knees bent, toes facing forward, and feet close to your glues.
  • Exhale, and start to roll and peel your spine off the mat one vertebra at a time, coming into a bridge position; arms are in line with your shoulders, fingertips to the sky, shoulders relaxed, core engaged.
  • Keeping your hips as still as you can, take your left leg to a tabletop position. Lower your left leg and repeat on the right side without shifting your hips.
  • For more support, keep your arms by your sides on the mat.
  • This counts as two reps.
  • Repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds.
Toe Tap in Abdominal Curl
Jacqui Kingswell

Toe Tap in Abdominal Curl

  • Start lying on your mat, knees bent, feet flat. Engage your core, and float your left knee to tabletop position, then your right. Keep your knees in line with your hips.
  • Interlace your hands behind your head, elbows out to the sides. Exhale and draw your ribs down toward your hips, and lift your head off your mat.
  • Inhale as you extend through your left leg and point through your toes. Then exhale, engage your core, and draw your left leg back to tabletop position. Repeat with your right leg.
  • If your neck is holding too much of the tension, lower your head onto the mat and continue the movement with your neck down and arms by your sides on the mat. You will still work your abs just as much without having the tension in your neck taking over.
  • Repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds.
Mountain Climber Into Downward Dog
Jacqui Kingswell

Mountain Climber Into Downward Dog

  • Start in a plank position on your mat with your shoulders in line with your wrists. Create a long and flat spine, and engage your core.
  • Draw your left knee into your chest, step back to plank, then switch to your right leg. Repeat the mountain climbers eight times, then step back to a plank, scoop your belly back toward your spine, and press back into a Downward Dog, lifting your hips up to the sky.
  • If you would like to get your heart rate lifted, speed up the mountain climbers.
  • Repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds.
Squat Knee to Elbow
Jacqui Kingswell

Squat Knee to Elbow

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips, toes facing forward in parallel position. Take your hands behind your head with your elbows pointing out to the sides.
  • Hinge (bend) from your hips, coming down into a squat, knees over your fourth or fifth toes, and engage your core.
  • Stand and lift your right knee into your left elbow, twisting through with the thoracic spine (the region of your spine running from your neck down to your abdomen) working the obliques. Imagine your spine is like a wet tea towel and you're rinsing out every last drop of water as you twist.
  • Place your right foot down, come back into your hinge squat position, and repeat on the right side.
  • Repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds.
Lunge to Lean Forward
Jacqui Kingswell

Lunge to Lean Forward

  • Start standing with your feet facing forward, your left foot forward, and your right foot back. Imagine your feet are running on train tracks instead of a tightrope. Your spine should be long, and your core should be engaged.
  • Bend your right knee, and come into a lunge position. Make sure your left knee is tracking over your fourth to fifth toes, weight is in the back of your heel, right heel is lifted, and weight is distributed evenly in both legs.
  • Lean forward over your left knee as you straighten your right leg, keeping your right heel lifted. Your arms will come past your hips as you reach through your fingertips with a long spine. Make sure your left knee is still tracking over your fourth to fifth toes. Focus on the crown of your head moving from facing the ceiling to facing toward the wall.
  • From here, bend your right knee, coming back into your lunge position.
  • Repeat for 25 seconds on your left leg and 25 seconds on your right leg, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds.
Lunge to Fly
Jacqui Kingswell

Lunge to Fly

  • Start in your lunge position.
  • Start to hinge forward, lifting your right leg off your mat, finding your balance with both hips facing forward and your right leg extending straight out and in the air.
  • Place your right leg on your mat, coming back in your lunge position, then repeat the movement.
  • If you wobble and fall off balance, that's OK. When you do find the wobbles coming along, switch on your core and make sure your shoulders are in line with your hips and everything is parallel in your body.
  • Repeat for 25 seconds on your left leg and 25 seconds on your right leg, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds.
Knee Repeater
Jacqui Kingswell

Knee Repeater

  • Starting in a lunge position, straighten your right leg and hinge forward. Bring your right hand forward; your elbow should be at about a 90-degree angle and your hand shouldn't go past eye level, with a long spine and your left arm back so you're in a running position.
  • Engage your core, and bring your right leg in toward your left leg and in toward your core. Keep your left knee bent the entire time, and switch your arms so your left arm is in front as your right leg comes in. Be sure to really lean forward and keep your spine in a diagonal position.
  • Take your right leg back to your lunge position, and repeat the movement.
  • To elevate your heart rate, speed up this movement.
  • Repeat for 25 seconds on your left leg and 25 seconds on your right leg, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds.
High Plank With Leg Lift
Jacqui Kingswell

High Plank With Leg Lift

  • Start in your plank position with your shoulders in line with your wrist, your shoulders down and back, and your spine long. Lift up out of your shoulders, engage your core, press out through your heels, lengthen, and breathe.
  • Engage your core even deeper as you exhale and float your right leg up without arching your lower back.
  • Take your right leg down to plank, and repeat on the left side. Point through your toes and lengthen your leg as much as you can. If you feel your lower back arching, don't lift your leg as high; keep the movement really small and go for the length over height.
  • Repeat for 50 seconds, then hold Child's Pose for 10 seconds.
Jacqui Kingswell


"It's so important to finish the workout with a stretch and some breathwork to calm the nervous system and center yourself for the day ahead," Kingswell said. Take five minutes to cool down and reconnect to your body and your breath.