This Dietitian's 6-Meal "What I Eat In a Day" Proves Everyone's Eating Style Is So Personal

Bowl of yogurt with berries as part of what a dietitian eats in a day
POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly
POPSUGAR Photography | Matthew Kelly

When it comes to eating healthy, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Some people prefer to eat three meals while others eat five or six smaller meals throughout the day. For dietitian Leanne Ward (@the_fitness_dietitian on Instagram), three moderate meals and two or three snacks a day is the winning combo. For one day, Ward documented what she normally eats on her Instagram page, and it's a great example of how someone's eating style is totally unique to them.

On this particular day, Ward started with Greek yogurt with cereal, berries, nuts, and seeds. For her second meal/snack, she had a hard-boiled egg, banana, and coffee. For her third meal, she ate a high-fiber wrap with canned tuna, cheese, grated carrot, lettuce, and tomato, as well as herbal tea. For her fourth meal/snack, she had more Greek yogurt with homemade granola. Her fifth meal was teriyaki salmon with greens and brown rice, plus more herbal tea. For her sixth and final meal/snack, Ward had homemade peanut butter protein balls.

"I'm not saying this is how everyone should eat — I'm just saying this works for me, my body & my training right now," Ward wrote in her caption. "I hope this gives you guys a rough idea of the foods I eat to stay healthy all year round. I don't count calories or deprive myself." She added that even though this is what she ate for this particular day, it doesn't mean she isn't occasionally having cake, alcohol, and fried foods when those opportunities arise. "If you make the basis of your diet whole foods then there's always room for occasional treats, too," she wrote.

Ward's diet is chock-full of fruits and veggies, plus lean protein and healthy fats, following the general dietary recommendations for adults, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. Although you shouldn't copy her meals exactly — since everyone's nutritional needs and preferences are different — you can look to her documented day of eating as an example of how everyone fuels their body in their own way.