Trust Us, These Cookie-Dough Bars Will Give You Literal Heart Eyes

Every now and then a genius dessert hybrid comes around that makes us just want to shout. That's exactly how we feel about the gorgeous cookie-dough bars from Birthdae Cake, an experimental dessert shop in Orange County, CA, that serves over-the-top ice cream and drinks. These vibrant cookie-dough treats have colorful ice cream spread in between the middle of two layers of edible cookie dough, which makes it the perfect dessert to share on your Instagram feeds.

This wouldn't be the first time the cookie dough and ice cream worlds collided, but the many different flavors Birthdae Cake offers its guests (including ube) tells us this is the one dessert hybrid you won't want to miss out on. Keep reading to see all of the gorgeous photos of Birthdae Cake's ice cream and cookie-dough bars that will give you literal heart eyes.