Cotton Candy Soda Is Even More Delicious Than It Sounds

When it comes to Summer treats, two of my favorites are sticky-sweet cotton candy and refreshing iced tea. Imagine my surprise when I discovered a beverage that combines the two! Cotton candy rooibos blend from David's Tea captures childhood carnival nostalgia in a cup.

While it's great served alone (it's so authentic-tasting we even included it in our July must haves), cotton candy tea becomes even more perfect for the season when prepared as a "TeaPop," essentially iced tea topped with bubbly water.

While the tea is already sweetened with sprinkles and colorful brittle, agave sweetener is a great addition if you're looking to add an extra pop to your TeaPop.

Cotton Candy TeaPop

YieldAbout 2 glasses

David's Tea



    1. Brew tea in hot water for 4-7 minutes. Stir in agave sweetener if desired.

    2. Fill a glass with ice. Strain tea, and pour into the glass until 1/4 full. Top with soda water, and stir gently to mix.
