Recall Alert! Check Your Freezers For This Frozen Chicken

If you have frozen breaded chicken in your freezer, check it ASAP as there has been a recall of almost one million pounds of meat. OK Foods Inc. recalled many of its breaded chicken products after customers complained of finding metal shards in the meat. To find out if your frozen chicken is affected, take a look at these product images as well as these label codes.

According to the USDA, "The ready-to-eat breaded chicken items were produced on various dates from Dec. 19, 2016 through March 7, 2017. The products subject to recall bear establishment number 'P-7092' inside the USDA mark of inspection. These items were shipped to retail locations and institutions nationwide." If you do have an affected product, do not consume it. Return it to the place of purchase or contact Abby Brown at 479-312-2409 with any questions.