Let's Settle It Once and For All: Here's the Correct Way to Pronounce LaCroix

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Is LaCroix pronounced the French way, La-Kwah, or something else? It's an often debated subject among friends and family. Though the name of the sparkling beverage is French (it translates to "The Cross"), according to the LaCroix FAQs, the company says it's pronounced "La-Croy. It rhymes with 'enjoy.'" In case you forget, there's a catchy rap song about your beloved drink.

Take a look at the history of the sparkling water, and it's named after the original area (in Wisconsin) where it was bottled. "La" comes from the city of La Crosse, and "Croix" refers to the St. Croix River that flows between Wisconsin and Minnesota. It looks like Midwesterners might have something to do with the way we pronounce this ultrapopular beverage. Let's toast to this fun fact with a LaCroix cocktail.