Bye-Bye, Ice Cream Truck — You'll Want to Use Your Allowance on This Nostalgic New M&M's Flavor

If your childhood Summer breaks were spent chasing down the ice cream truck with quarters clutched in your hand, then you're going to freak out over the latest M&M's flavor to hit store shelves. At Dollar General stores exclusively, you can pick up new Orange Vanilla Cream M&M's and relive all of your favorite memories of orange creamsicles . . . minus having sticky ice cream drip down your hands or getting a brain freeze. That's the dream, right? Being able to eat "ice cream" by the handful with no consequences!

According to initial reviews, the orange and cream candy has a citrus-flavored candy shell surrounding a white chocolate middle, creating a perfectly creamy experience that's definitely worth trying for the nostalgia alone. So grab those quarters and head to Dollar General to pick up your own; you don't even have to chase down a truck. We know what we'll be snacking on all Spring and Summer long! Perhaps this will be the next flavor available by the bucketful?