These Rosé-Infused Marshmallows Are Covered in Rose Gold Glitter, Naturally

POPSUGAR Photography | Brinton Parker
POPSUGAR Photography | Brinton Parker

I'm gonna be up front about this: if you tell me that any food or beverage has Rosé in it, I'm down for a taste. You could literally tell me that you boiled an old potato in a pot of Rosé, and I would still grab a fork and brace myself for the worst. I'm a woman of simple pleasures, and wine is one of them . . . so when my colleague was delivered a package of glitter-coated marshmallow cubes infused with Rosé, I jumped at the chance to do the first taste test.

The marshmallows are available for $15 per dozen from XO Marshmallow, the purveyor of such delicacies as butterbeer marshmallows and unicorn marshmallow crispy treats. According to XO, the 'mallows are prepared with actual sparkling Rosé wine, then topped with edible rose gold glitter to add a special dash of magic. (Important note: the alcohol is cooked out during preparations, so you're in no danger of getting tipsy from your dessert.)

When tasting the sweet treats, I was immediately shocked by just how much they taste (and smell!) like Rosé. Before I even bit into my first one, I was worried that I'd hate it . . . it didn't even smell sweet, just fully like wine! Luckily, the marshmallow is much sweeter in flavor than in scent, offering up a great balance between traditional sweetness and a tart, fruity taste that's undeniably Rosé.

Other editors around the POPSUGAR office also loaned their taste buds to the cause, but not everybody enjoyed the Rosé-mallows as much as I do. "They're great for Instagram, but I'd rather just have a glass of Rosé," reviewed one. A perfectly valid opinion, considering that I, too, love a good glass of Rosé! But consider this hot take: what if you dropped one of the glittery marshmallows into your glass and created a marshmallow cocktail of sorts? I'm just throwing out ideas.

Check out photos of the boozy-flavored treat ahead, then preorder a dozen ($15) for your own happy hour!

POPSUGAR Photography | Brinton Parker

POPSUGAR Photography | Brinton Parker

POPSUGAR Photography | Brinton Parker