11 Mini Design Resolutions That Will Make a Big Impact in Your Home

All the talk of resolutions around the new year can be a bit overwhelming, but don't let the pressure of committing to big changes discourage you from making some easy and simple updates to your home. Even the smallest tweaks will add up to make a big design impact. In that spirit, we've put together 11 mini resolutions that will help you beautify your home in 2017. Keep reading to check them out.

Put Down a Welcome Mat
A Beautiful Mess

Put Down a Welcome Mat

It's a small thing, but having a mat outside your front door sends a welcoming tone from the get-go that both guests and you will appreciate. You could go with a more traditional design or have fun with it and get a doormat with a cheeky message.

Frame a Favorite Photo
Love Grows Wild

Frame a Favorite Photo

Whether it's a snapshot on your iPhone that always makes you smile or an old family photograph, take the time to print it and frame it. When it's displayed on a tabletop or wall, it will personalize your home.

Clear Off Your Nighstand
Everyday Reading

Clear Off Your Nighstand

Piles of half-read books, prescription bottles, and charging phones can take up prime real estate on your nightstand. Improve the look of your entire bedroom by tidying up this area. Get rid of anything that doesn't need to be there and then neatly sort nighttime essentials onto trays and in jars.

Add a Metallic Accent Piece

Add a Metallic Accent Piece

An objet d'art in an eye-catching metallic color, no matter how big or how small, goes a long way to enliven any area of the home. Don't spend a fortune; simply pick up a new set of faux silver candlesticks for the dining room or a playful copper pineapple for your desktop from somewhere affordable like HomeGoods or your local thrift shop. For something very on-trend check out rose gold home decor.

Refold Everything in Your Linen Closet
Julie Blanner

Refold Everything in Your Linen Closet

Simply pulling everything out of the linen closet and refolding it can go a long way to bring order to a chaotic linen closet, especially if you toss old sheets and group together sets as you go. For a more in-depth organization of the space, check out these tips from a professional organizer.

Clear Off Your Countertop
Julie Blanner

Clear Off Your Countertop

Want your kitchen to feel instantly bigger and more open? Clear all those jars and appliances from the countertop. You can store them in cabinets above or below, hide them away in the pantry until you need to use them, or even add a few hooks and hang them. However you do it, a clearing the countertop will give your kitchen a facelift.

Buy Fresh Flowers

Buy Fresh Flowers

A posy of fresh flowers displayed on a tabletop will instantly make a home feel more gracious. Next time you're at the grocery store, pick up a dozen of your favorite blossoms.

Add Storage to Your Entryway
A Beautiful Mess

Add Storage to Your Entryway

Want a super simple way to make and keep your entryway organized? Add more storage! Be it a row of hooks, a storage bench, or a set of drawers, when everything has somewhere to go, it's less likely to end up littering the floor.

Add a Simple Seasonal Touch
My Fabulous Life

Add a Simple Seasonal Touch

Just a single, simple seasonal accent will make your house feel more like a home. Think small: a festive pumpkin on your front step in Fall or a basket of pine cones to make your home cozy in Winter.

Organize Your Toiletries
A Beautiful Mess

Organize Your Toiletries

It's incredible how quickly clutter builds up in the bathroom, and even more amazing how much nicer your drawers and countertops will look when you've cleared it away. Don't overwhelm yourself by tackling it all at once, but take a little time each week to focus on one drawer or cabinet, tossing any empty products and organizing all your favorites. Check out Scott McGillivray's tips if you want to take it further and redesign your bathroom as your personal oasis.

Style Your Book Collection
The Makerista

Style Your Book Collection

Books pile up on nightstands and desks and overflow from bookcases, but you can turn them from clutter into a design element. And best of all, it won't cost you a dime! Stylize your bookcase by thoughtfully arranging your titles by color or theme and artfully arrange stacks of books on your coffee table. Check out even more great ideas on how to style your bookcase.